Chapter 14

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I kept staring at the investigator with a blank expression

Throughout the interrogation process I was crazy quiet

“Her alibi is very strong and you don’t have refutable proof against her, so she is not supposed to be here” my lawyer said

“Sure, she can leave” the investigator said

“Let’s go, Miss Yemisi” my lawyer said escorting me out of the interrogation room

Honestly, I really didn’t know what was going on

I was fine when we left the house. I had this confidence that came out of nowhere till I saw him


He was in the police station to give his statement

I didn’t get the tingling feelings I usually had when I saw him.

During his statement, he mentioned some things that honestly, I would have killed him for

After the statement when he finally saw me, he called out to me like we were some besties

When I didn’t answer, he told the police officer “You see, I told she’s one cold hearted bitch”

I lunged at him to give a slap that he long deserved, but he held me tight and whispered to me

“The more you act like that, the more they’d believe you’re capable of murder”

The confidence that came out of nowhere went to nowhere

I felt so weak and stupid

On the drive home, no one said anything.

Everyone chose to focus on something else

But I couldn’t get my mind off the news, my arrest and Brian’s statement

I strongly believed Alessia’s mum had a hand in it but I need evidence to prove it

Kayode was at the gate when we got back.
I’m sure he was worried

“At least you would have told which police station” he whined

“The point is that she is out, what do you need the police station for?” mum said

“I made lunch” Kayode announced

“No wonder our nose wan comot” Ireti commented

“Wow, I’m such an awesome cook” Kayode said proudly

“I never said that” Ireti retorted

Kayode huffed and walked away

“Ireti, I need to get somewhere” I told her

“Where?” she asked

“I’d give info when I get back” I replied

“At least let me know?” she pleaded

“The Baileys, don’t tell mum and Kayode” I said


I just received a text from that idiot confirming Fikayo daughter’s arrest

“Madam, I’m done” the maid said
I told her to clean my shelf of some documents I no longer need

“Yes?” I asked when I saw her still standing

“I saw these documents, I no know whether you still need am?” she asked

“Let me see” I said as a grabbed it from her
I stared in shock as I saw the documents
I thought I had gotten rid of these?

Yemisi's Dilemma: Unmasking the Class Bully's DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now