Chapter 7

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I rushed downstairs to meet my mum

"Kunle si ibe yen fun mi(Kneel down there right now)" my mum ordered

I did as was told

"So fe pami ni(Do you want to kill me)?" my mum asked

"One week Yemisi and you are already a murder suspect" she said

She sounded disappointed. I knew there was nothing I could tell her that she would listen

"Did you kill her?" she asked

I shook my head to say no

"Fisayo! Fisayo!" I heard someone shout from outside.

Fisayo is mum's first name but people barely call her that

"What is "your madam say nobody should enter"" the same person kept shouting

"I can pay times 100 of your salary and still feed the whole Nigeria" the shouting woman continued

"Fisayo, come outside. I know you are inside and you hearing me. Bring that murderer daughter of yours outside" the shouting woman finished

Mum's expression clouded. She knew this woman.

Wait, how did she know about Alessia's case?

Mum stormed out.

"Aderonke, why are you making such a fuss?" mum asked camly

"I'm very sure you know about the noise policy in this estate?" mum continued

"Fisayo, you have the guts to speak English with me" the Aderonke as mum called her scoffed

"You sound horrible. Go on yammering in the Yoruba language you are so good at" the woman continued using a mockery tone

"And you are still raising your voice" mum said

"Why wouldn't I?" Aderonke shouted

"My husband rejected you and those children you claimed to be his. I warned you Fisayo to keep away from my family" Aderonke continued

"After all my warnings, your daughter had the nerve and audacity to kill my daughter. You are going to jail" Aderonke said

Wait, my dad isn't dead

This woman is his wife

Alessia is their daughter

And my half-sister (Ewww)

I'm a Bailey!

"According to the investigators, she is a suspect not the criminal" mum said

"I am very sure you know the definition of suspect, English scholar" mum remarked scornfully

"You really have the nerve to talk" Alessia's mum said

"You are talking like I'm worth less than you. We both bought houses in a luxurious estate" mum continued

"Sorry, your husband bought it, not you" mum sneered

"I will so crush you Fisayo and that low class business of yours" Alessia's mum threatened

"I'm waiting" mum replied

Author's Note
So what is happening here??????
Yemisi is Alessia's half-sister
This is the second shortest chap I have written
But I tried to make it dramatic.
Don't you think 🤔
So I've been having a lot of support lately
So next part will be a tribute to all those support my story.
Please click the star ⭐⭐⭐ and make it turn orange 🧡
And comment too
Love yaa 💕❤️❤️

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