Chapter 11

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Ireti and I sat at the hospital’s reception waiting for the doctor to come out

We’d rushed Pamela here hoping they could help her and we could get some information

Sadly, we’ve been here for the past 1 hour and no report

I couldn’t think straight

Witnessing a person get shot in front of you is quite a lot to handle

“Where is my baby?” I heard someone scream

I didn’t know who she was but she was coming towards me

“You!” she shouted pointing an accusing finger towards me

“After the Bailey’s daughter, you are after mine” she accused

So she was Pamela’s mum

I thought she’d arrive earlier

She all this people no dey think ni(Don't they all think)?

What do I want to gain with killing their daughters?

“I’m sorry ma” I said

She raised her hand up and slapped me

“Sorry, my ass”  she spat out

“If my daughter dies, I swear I would bury you alive” she shouted

I regret ever sympathizing with her

I had no reason to apologize but I did and earned a slap

The door of the room Pamela was flung open

I saw a stretcher with a body covered with white cloth

I knew what it meant.

“God why” I heard Ireti sigh

She had passed out earlier

“No” I heard Pamela’s mum cry

She lifted the white cloth from Pamela’s face

Her face looked pale

“My baby” she wept

“You!” she shouted pointing at me again

Wait! Wasn’t she crying just now

“I will so kill you” she said holding me and shaking me violently

“Get your filthy hands off my daughter” I heard mom say

I had called her 15 minutes before Pamela’s mum appeared

My mum came, pushed Pamela’s mum from me and pulled me into a hug

“Are you okay?” she asked

“Hmhm” I replied

“Ireti are you okay too?” mum asked

“Awful” she replied

“She fainted” I added

“Why won’t she faint?” mum asked

“If it isn’t the notorious FYK CEO” Pamela’s mum said interrupting our moment

“I’m really sorry for your loss Alice” mum said sarcastically

“My daughter and her friend have nothing to do with it but your daughter got herself mixed up in things she shouldn’t” mum continued

“So if you don’t mind” she said dragging Ireti and I out of the hospital

We got into the car

“Why would you guys do such a thing?” mum asked

“Miss Adekunle, we didn’t know it would turn out like this” Ireti said

“We’re sorry” I added

“Miss Adekunle, can I spend the night at your place?” Ireti asked

Mum and I looked at her confused

“My parents are out on a business trip and I’m very sure I won’t be able to sleep alone after all this” she said

“No problem” mum replied

“Oh thank you” Ireti gushed

When we got home Ireti and I rushed upstairs to my room

“Ireti, I received a message when Pamela got shot” I said and showed her the message

“God why” Ireti sighed

“Wait!” she said and I perked up

“We could track the number” she said
I looked at her surprised

“With this app” she continued

I quickly gave her the number to track

“It is in Epe” Ireti said

“Seriously, is that even in Lagos?” I asked

“It is. The outskirts. You need to study more” Ireti said

“So you’re saying the sender of this text is in Epe” I asked

“That’s what it says in the app” Ireti replied

“Ugh whatever, I’m famished” I said

“Yeah me too, my stomach won’t stop grumbling” Ireti added

We hurried downstairs. The aroma coming from the kitchen almost killed me

“Mummy in the kitchen cooking, what?” I sang

“Dinner” mum replied

“The girls in their room doing what?” Mum sang using the same tune

“We’re just discussing today’s events” I shrugged

“Be more careful, you could have been Pamela” mum scolded

“Thank God we aren’t. Miss Adekunle, we’d be more careful” Ireti said

“I’d take that as a promise” Mum said looking at us both

We nodded and moved to the sitting room

In a short while we had our dinner and after that I filled Kayode on all he’d missed
“It doesn’t seem like he wants to kill you” Kayode said after my never ending story

“That kinda explained the threat” Ireti added

“Who the hell is doing this?” I asked myself

“It’s totally someone who knows you” Ireti answered

“I agree” Kayode added

Later we watched some movies till 9:55 pm
Then mum came to ruin our movie time
“Time for bed” she called

We all groaned, mumbling things only we could here

Kayode wanted to turn the TV off
“Don’t!” Mum said “I wanna watch the 10pm news” mum continued

Ireti and I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water

By the time I got back to the sitting room, the news just started

She wasn’t here, maybe in her room
“Mum!” I called “The news has started” I continued

On the headlines today is this shocking news of the FYK CEO’s daughter

I turned my head to look at the screen

The words I saw threw a knife in my chest


Three pictures appeared on the  screen
Alessia’s, mine and his

👋 Lovelies
Long time no see 🙈
I don't know how this came about, but interestingly it did
Who is this guy in our baby's life, that we can't stop hearing about
Can't wait to find out
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