Chapter 13

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“Damn!” mum screamed for the billionth time

Kayode had come downstairs because of mum’s screaming and saw the news too

Ireti was just looking surprised meaning she didn’t know about it

I wouldn’t call what I did assault but if I start talking now, they would be saying I love making excuses.

I did not not assault him, I only beat him up

I did not threaten her, I only gave her a warning

I’m not giving excuses, am I?

“I don’t know whether to believe that man when he said the case was handled” Kayode said

“His parents knew about it” I replied

“He took care of it, someone else is behind this” mum added

“Hello!” Ireti called “I’m lost” she said

I whispered “Later” to her and she nodded

“Whoever do am sha no get sense (Whoever did this is stupid)” Kayode remarked

“No, whoever did this is trying to attack Yemisi and your mum” Ireti said back

Kayode looked at her with surprise

“I know more about reporting than you do” she said eyeing him

I thought deeply about what she said

Attack me and mum


Alessia’s mum did threaten mum

She couldn’t have known


Double A and Bailey. She might have known

But why spread such rubbish?

“You guys should go to bed, tomorrow we’ll deal with it” mum said

We all moved to our room.

Ireti kept bugging me till I told her

“Na only e nose and lips bleed(Is it only his nose and lips that bled)?” Ireti asked

“You should have done better” she added smiling

“I have this feeling that Alessia’s mum is behind all this” I told her

“Why?” she asked

“Well, she threatened mum” I answered
"That's obviously a good reason" She replied
"Hey, there's this k-drama I'm watching, wanna watch with me?" Ireti asked

"Sure" I replied

Next Day

We were all having breakfast when mum announced “I think I know who did it”

“뭐Mwo (What)?” I asked

I heard it from the k-drama Ireti and I watched last night

“I said I think I know who it is?” mum repeated

“누구Nugu(Who)?” Ireti asked catching on which the k-drama thing

“Kini rada ti e wa n so(What is the rubbish you guys are saying)?” mum asked looking at the two of us with a confused look

“I’m very sure it’s from a Korean movie” Kayode said

I nodded in reply

“I was just asking who is the person” Ireti said

“Aderonke Bailey” mum said

It means we’re suspecting the same person

“I’m planning on giving her a call” mum added

She picked up her phone and started called Alessia’s mum. She put the call on speaker so we could all listen

“Aderonke what is the meaning of this?” mum asked when she finally picked up the call

“What?”  she said feigning ignorance

“Don’t tell me what, you know what I’m talking about” mum snapped

“I really don’t, could you enlighten me?” she said

“The damn news you’re spreading” mum replied

“Oh! You should have said so earlier” she said sounding surprised

“I just started with you Fisayo” she continued

“I’d sue you for defamation” mum threatened

“Do whatever you want. We’re both rich all we need to get things done is the right amount of money and connection” she said

“We’re not both rich, I worked for my wealth but you’re just a low-life bottom feeder” mum sneered

“You little….” She was saying when mum cut the call

We all looked at her with smiles on our faces

“Low-life bottom feeder” Kayode mumbled

“I need to speak with my lawyer” mum said after finishing her meal

“Yemisi, dishes now” mum ordered

“Kk” I replied


“Ireti when will they release the next episode” I asked her

“Friday” she replied

“I’m tired of staying in this house, let’s go for a walk” I suggested

“Sure” Ireti replied

“Wait, let me go get my phone” I told her as I quickly ran upstairs

I rushed downstairs to meet Ireti but she wasn’t there

I noticed her at the door with mum in front of her.

Mum was talking to someone

“We’re looking for Miss Yemisi Adekunle” the person at the door said

“I’m her mother” mum said

“We’d like to see her” another person said

“I’m her mother, what do you want to see her for” mum asked again

I hurried to the door and pushed my way through Ireti and mum

I saw two men standing at our entrance with police uniforms

“Are you Miss Yemisi?” one of them asked

I nodded

“You are under arrest for murder and aiding and abetting” the second man said

“You can’t be serious” mum scoffed

“You have the right to a lawyer” the first man said bringing out handcuffs

“Don’t handcuff me, I’m not going to run away” I said

“I’m coming with her” mum said

“Me too. I’ll be your witness” Ireti added
Author's Note
This chapter is dedicated to Esoheonyii and renAok24 for their support.
Sorry if it's too short but I do hope you enjoy it.
Seems like there is evidence that our baby committed murder.
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Love yaa 💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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