Chapter 15

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Everything was so fast-paced

Mrs. Bailey’s arrest, investigation and now the trial

Ireti and Kayode told me to dress my best for which they have no solid reason for except according to Ireti ‘to spite Alessia’s mum’

I didn’t understand why ‘dressing my best’ was supposed to spite her

I picked up a random gown and put it on with my white snickers and left

Throughout the drive to court, Ireti kept ranting about why I didn’t heed her advice on what to wear but honestly, I really couldn’t keep up with every word she said
My mind was totally on the case and my statement

Alessia’s mum was loaded, it wouldn’t be that easy to win

When we arrived, the reporters were everywhere

“Is it true that you are a victim of Mrs. Bailey’s schemes?”

“A lot of people are saying, you’re using this to distract the public from your own crime, is it true?”

“Is it also true you are an illegitimate child of Mr. Bailey?”

From what Mr. Andrew, the lawyer said, I wasn’t supposed to answer their questions.
I just walked past them

The van carrying Mrs. Bailey soon arrived and she was flooded with questions from the reporters

“Let’s go” Ireti said holding my hand and pushing me forward

The courtroom feels suffocating as I take my place, my family's eyes silently urging me forward. I can sense their support, their unwavering belief in our quest for justice.

My heart races with nervous anticipation, but I know I must remain strong, for this is the moment we have been waiting for—the chance to confront the woman who has wrought havoc upon our lives.

As I take the stand, I steady my trembling hands, determined to speak my truth. With each word, I recount the events that have led us here, the memories still fresh in my mind.

I speak of the visit to Mrs. Bailey's opulent home, the tension thick in the air as I accepted the innocuous envelope, unaware of the betrayal it contained.

"It wasn't until later," I say, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me, "that I realized the envelope held not waste paper, but my own DNA test result, manipulated to deceive me and my family."

The courtroom erupts in murmurs of disbelief as my testimony reverberates through the room. But I am not alone in this fight.

The maid, a quiet presence in the corner, steps forward, her hands trembling as she corroborates my story.

And then there is the doctor, a respected figure tarnished by Mrs. Bailey's greed. With a heavy heart, he admits to accepting a bribe in exchange for falsifying the DNA test results, his shame evident in every word.

But amidst the chaos, Mrs. Bailey's lawyer rises to her defense, his voice smooth and practiced as he attempts to sow doubt in the minds of the jury. He paints a picture of a woman misunderstood, a victim of circumstance rather than a perpetrator of deceit.

Yet, his arguments fall flat in the face of overwhelming evidence, each point dismantled by the unwavering truth of our testimony. Despite his best efforts, Mrs. Bailey's fate is sealed by the weight of her own deception.

As the judge delivers his verdict, condemning Mrs. Bailey to five years imprisonment, I feel a surge of mixed emotions—relief, vindication, but also a profound sadness for the woman whose greed has led to her downfall.

But as I leave the courtroom behind, hand in hand with my family, I know that we have achieved something greater than vengeance—we have found closure, and the promise of a future unburdened by deceit. And though the road ahead may be long and uncertain, we will walk it together, buoyed by the unwavering belief that truth will always prevail.

Author's Note
I hope una know sey 5 years imprisonment no be moin-moin
Anyways it's payback time for Yemisi
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