chapter 1

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"Well here we are." I said to my two companions.

Noire, my wolf who is basically walking madness, looked up at me with confusion and excitement. She was back and red looked kind of like flames almost with striking green eyes.

"Finally. That last mission took us forever." Dragedge yawned while stretching his arm. He has been a companion of mine from the beginning of our DWMA journey. He has long purple hair that spikes a little, with bright blue eyes. He can be seen wearing a necklace, and bracelets normally in punk/rock style with piercings up both ears.

"Yeah. No kidding." I responded, pulling my long white and black hair out of my face, revealing my gold and purple eyes, as well as the lines of sanzu on my neck. I am a mature reaper leaving the title of true reaper to be inherited by my younger brother. I decided to wear my usual red button up with dark leggings, a skirt belt and knee high boots. It's honestly the most appropriate thing to wear at a school anyway.

"Are you ready for the fun of being back at the school?" I said turning to Dragedge.

"It will be nice to see Stein and everyone else again and how much your brother has grown." He responded with a smile.

"That will be nice." I agreed with a smile.

We made our way to the stairs of the school.

Meanwhile in the school.

"I hear we are getting new teachers today. I wonder who they are." A student can be heard in the hallway.

"Man everyone is really excited about the new teachers huh?" Patty said, walking next to Kid and Liz. Patty is the younger sister of Liz. They are twin handguns used by Death the kid. They both have light brown hair, patty's hair is shorter than her sisters. normally wearing matching outfits, red crop tops accented with white ties along with shorts, boots, and sometimes with cowboy hats.

"I wonder who they are?" Death the Kid responded, Death the Kid, also known as Kid, is the youngest child of Lord Death, he has three uncompleted lines of sanzu, which are white lines accenting his black hair. His suit is matching colors of black and white with gold eyes.

"I hear they used to be students here. I wonder if they are death scythes or not." Maka added. She is around the same age as Kid, with blond hair normally seen in a school girl outfit with a long trench coat.

"I wonder how strong they are." Soul said with a smirk. He is Maka's weapon partner, a red and black scythe. With white hair and sharp teeth, normally wearing a headband and red pants with black and yellow hoodie along with matching shoes.

"That's right!! I bet you I am stronger than whoever they are. I am the best." Black Star chimed in out of nowhere. Black Star is from an assassin clan. He wears a black top with white pants and white gloves. His hair is light blue that spikes a little. He has a star mark on his right shoulder.

"Ok black star. We will have to see who they are first." Tsubaki said. She is Black Stars weapon partner. She has multiple weapon forms, She too comes from a ninja clan. She has long black hair tied in a ponytail. She wears a tan dress that has a slit to her upper thigh, a belt and scarf, with a stars symbol on her chest. She has bracers with long sleeves underneath each and one thigh high stocking with boots.

"Do you know who the teachers might be?" A voice came from around the corner. Everyone turned to see who it was. Alister is the same age as the rest of the group. He has black hair just past his shoulders, a button up shirt with a sweater vest and black slacks he is a meister with no weapon partner.

"No idea. They said we should meet them at this class hopefully. We all have to wait and see." Kid said.

Alister huffed and walked away. Maka and Kid shook their heads.

"He's so annoying. I guess he's the perfect person to run the school newspaper." Maka said.

"Might as well head to the next class." Black Star said.

"Oh. Maka." someone yelled.

Maka shivered when she turned around.

"What do you want dad?" she asked, annoyed.

"Don't be like that i wanted to see how your day is and if you are ready for the new teachers." spirit said.

"So far so good. And of course I'm ready for the new teachers. I'm always excited for new teachers." she answered.

'Will spirit please come to the office please. Thank you.' Lord Death's voice rang through the halls. Spirits shoulders dropped.

"Remember daddy loves you." he said before turning away.

The students shuffled to class and the hallways were silent once again. 

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