chapter 21

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Everyone did as they were instructed and went off. I turned towards the victim of my rage. Kid and Hatori had a look of concern on their faces.

"What's happening? Should we be concerned?" Black Star asked Kid.

"Grim is losing control we definitely need to be concerned. She can take down this ship easily from what Dragedge and Hatori say. I haven't seen her full power myself yet and not sure I want to. For now let's do as she says." Kid responded, a look of urgency in his eyes.

The others nodded in agreement.

"What is happening?" Victor questioned.

"We may have a small problem." Hatori responded.

"I am going to have a little chat." I started walking towards the trio.

Cambles face went pale. Dragedge sighed as he turned around guessing what he was going to see.

"Well you are in for it now, we have a problem." He said.

"What are you talking about?" Lianna asked.

Ignoring her, Dragedge walked towards me. The lines on my neck started flickering a little more. I was on a warpath.

"Dont ignore me." Lianna snapped.

Dragedge did not respond.

'Why can't I calm down?' I thought to myself.

"Grim, it's ok. You need to calm down please, for yours and everyone's safety." He said softly, but it sounded distant.

"I am trying, but he deserves it." I responded, sounding somewhat normal.

"Yes he deserves it but you will most likely destroy the rest of the ship with them." He added.

Victor met up with us.

"She's losing control isn't she?" Victor asked.

"Yes she is. We need to calm her down and fast." Dragedge answered.

Hatori was making his way back when Camble grabbed his arm. Hatori glared at him.

"What is going on with her? Why is everyone freaking out?' He inquired.

Before Hatori could answer the squawking sound was directly above us. It was a giant bird-like creature with long black feathers. On the tips of the long wings were two claw-like talons, it had three claws on its feet, and looked like it was wearing a skull red marking and had glowing red eyes. Time seemed to freeze as we watched this creature fly by and circle back.

"It looks like we have a bigger problem than you right now." Hatori said to Camble, pushing him away.

He walked over to me, pressed his forehead to mine and released a wave of calming aura. I started to calm down a little. Victor made a force field around the ship when he saw the creature circling back but somehow the creature broke through it grabbing a crewman. Without warning it dropped him. Black Star sprinted towards the edge of the ship trying to catch the man's arm but missed and went off the edge Dragedge was able to release his wings grabbing both of them safely bringing them back on board.

"What on earth is that thing?" A crew member screamed.

"That is a very fair question. What on earth is that? I have never seen anything like it before." Soul added.

"Same and I have been pretty much everywhere,"Dragedge commented.

Everyone was standing stunned, not sure what to do.

"We should evacuate the remaining crew." Maka suggested.

"I think that's a good idea. The captain and a few crew members should be ok to remain to keep the ship in the air." Dragedge said.

"Everyone get below deck. at least one level down." Victor instructed the remaining crew and whatever spectators remained.

Everyone ran. Camble and his friends stood in the doorway deciding if they wanted to join the other evacuees or not. I started to finally regain some sense of normalcy.

"Are you feeling any better?" Hatori whispered.

"A little. I regained some control." I responded.

Before anything else could be said a couple spear like feathers came flying towards us. Everyone was able to dodge. I was able to push Hatori out of the way with just enough time to make a shield around myself. I felt the impact and went flying into the captain's quarters of the ship. Everyone froze in stunned horror, Camble started laughing. Hatori and Kid ran closer to make sure I was ok.

"Ow. That was fun." I moaned.

Camble looked like he saw a ghost when he heard me talk. Hatori let out a sigh of relief.

"How are you still conscious after a hit like that?" He questioned.

"I was able to make a shield at the last second. Oh god that hurts. Being sick sucks too." I responded struggling to get up.

Camble started to move closer, seeming like he was going to help me up, but Hatori stood in his way.

"Final warning, leave her alone." He growled.

Camble backed away. The others were attacking the creature to no avail. Everyone gathered around.

"How are we going to beat that thing?" Kid questioned.

"I am not sure, but I think if we attack at once we might have a shot. It looks like this thing can take a hit and hit hard." I winced in pain.

"We should throw our strongest attacks at it." Black Star suggested.

I hesitated for a second. Hatori and Dragedge noticed the pause.

"What are you plotting?" Dragedge asked.

"I could release a little more power. It's risky but it might be needed." I responded.

"No. not in your current condition. You will definitely start to lose control again or worse." Hatori urged.

" Maybe you're right, but it might be necessary." I argued.

"I will not let you go that far. It might not be able to be stopped even with my calming aura." he stood his ground.

"Fine." I relented.

The creature circled back. Victor and I created the strongest barrier we could muster even that barley stood a chance. It kept circling around. Everyone kept getting more and more concerned.

"I agree we should hit with our strongest attacks or close to it at least. However, getting close to that thing will be dangerous." I continued.

"My middle name is danger ha ha." Black Star stated, laughing.

We all glared at him.

"Here's what I think. Maka, Dragedge and Black Star attack directly as best you can to keep it busy. Hatori, Kid and I will attack from a distance. If we all attack with our strongest or one of our strongest attacks we hopefully should be able to take it down or at least scare it off." I suggested.

Hatori looked concerned. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Sis, I think you should sit this one out and let us handle this one. You are still sick and have pushed yourself too hard already." Kid cautioned.

"I want to help and am going to help." I seethed with anger.

He backed up a little. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down a little.

"I'm sorry. I am still a little on edge." I apologized, giving him a hug.

"Now get ready." I said.

Everyone nodded and got into positions. I looked at Hatori and Kid, we got ourselves ready and stood in a line. Hatori manifested a lightning bow, Kid chose a soul resonance with Liz and Patty to create twin death cannons, and I manifested a large gatling gun. The creature came at us again and we were off. The group went forward with a frontal assault. We fired for what felt like a few minutes before the creature was reduced to falling feathers. 

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