chapter 10

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The next day, I woke up feeling better. I walked over to Dragedge's room and knocked on the door. I heard a moan and opened the door.

"You should get up and get ready soon. We have lunch with the kids today." I said.

He groaned and gave me a thumbs up. I took a shower and got dressed. Choosing to wear a red hooded dress, black leggings and heeled boots. I put on my black rose necklace. I walked downstairs to Dragedge on the couch with his head back and eyes closed.

"Still not awake?" I asked, smacking his shoulder.

"No." He responded, opening one eye.

We heard a knock on the door a few minutes later. I walked over and welcomed the kids in.

"Are you feeling any better?" Maka asked.

"A little bit." I responded.

"Where should we go?" Tsubaki asked.

"There is a cute little diner that is on the edge of the main area where I used to go all the time with friends." I suggested, holding my necklace.

Dragedge was the only one who noticed and knew the story behind it.

"That sounds good." Everyone agreed.

"Are you going to be ok going there?" Dragedge asked.

I nodded. We started walking toward the city.

"How long did it take you to become a death scythe or create a death scythe?" Maka asked.

"About five years." I answered.

"Have you had any awesome adventures?" Black Star asked.

"There was the job we took in France." I said looking at Dragedge.

He laughed.

"There was a kishin, James bower, he managed to become one of the strongest we faced at the time. It took the two of us, plus the rest of our group. That was a fun one." He continued.

We chatted a little more as they told us about their fight with kishins and how some of them went very wrong.

"I know the feeling of things going wrong." I said, giving Dragedge a look.

"I said sorry for most of it." He said.

"The biggest mission we did was the one we got back from," I said.

"The one with the dragons?" Soul asked.

"Yes. We spent the last four years traveling and searching. We found some lairs and hordes but no dragons. It is hard to tell if they were dead or just went to a different spot. We also helped some of the nonviolent witches and tried to locate some of the more violent ones. Those were difficult." I said.

"That explains why you were unable to come home for so long." Kid said.

"It is. I am so glad to be home." I said , putting an arm around my brother.

We reached the restaurant. I thought I caught a glimpse of someone with green hair and glasses. I paused for a minute to make sure I knew what I saw. Dragedge and Kid noticed my confusion.

"You ok?" Dragedge asked.

"Yeah. I thought I saw Hatori for some reason. I know it couldn't have been, he's still in Europe as far as I know." I responded.

"I know you miss him. I think you might be hungry." He said.

"Probably." I said.

"What's wrong?" Tsubaki asked.

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