chapter 31

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“We should check on the others and get moving. I would like to get home.” I started.

“I agree.” Dragedge said. 

He walked over to Victor still scolding the other two.

“Hey, we want to get started on heading out.” He stated.

Victor gave him a thumbs up. A confused Dragedge walked back to the room. 

“Ok boys , time for you all to go to the other room to change so the girls can change in peace.” Liz announced. 

“What?Why?” Dragedge questioned. 

“Because I am not changing in front of you.” Liz retorted.

“Fair. Grim toss me some pants will you.” He added.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing a pair of his and Victor's clothes and throwing them at him smacking him in the face. 

“Thanks.” He said, taking the clothes to the other room followed by Kid and Hatori. 

We joined back up for something to eat before heading out. 

“Are you two ok?” Soul asked.

“Yeah, mostly worn out and ready to be home.”

We made the few hour walk to the airship. I could feel eyes on us the entire time but wasn't sure where they were coming from.

“Everything ok? You look on edge.” Hatori whispered in my ear.

“I think so, but I feel like we are being watched.” I responded.

He nodded looking around. We got our tickets, fought with Dragedge again….We made our way to the rooms to get ourselves settled before heading to the dining area. Dragedge looked like he wanted to murder someone. 

“You look like a mess.” I joked.

He rolled his eyes at me before groaning and putting his head in his arms. Victor patted his shoulder. The ship shook a little causing Dragedge and I to tense up. Victor again put his hand on his shoulder, while Hatori placed his arm around my waist.

“You noticed too?” I asked.

“Of course I did. I know you don't like airships much anymore, and I don't want that to happen to you again.” He responded solemnly.

“I know you are still upset about it. I will be fine.” I reassured him.

He smiled, kissing my forehead. Dragedge and Kid laughed. We enjoyed a little more food and headed to the main deck. Still noticing the feeling of being watched, I tried to enjoy the trip home. The next few days passed without incident other than Dragedges normal puking. We were able to get him off the ship relatively easily. 

“Do you guys want to rent another car to get home or take the four day hike? I would rather avoid the train but that is an option too.” I started.

“A train may be the best option since it is faster than walking and easier than renting a car.” Victor explained. 

“I guess..” I sighed.

“Same, honestly same.” Dragedge sighed in agreement, patting my shoulder.

We got our train tickets. I paused for a few seconds before boarding. 

‘I don't want to do this.’ I thought to myself.

We take our seats and wait for the train to leave the station. I noticed something weird, it was a mosquito flying around?

“Do we get mosquitos in this area?” I questioned, confused.

“Not sure why?” Maka responded.

Before I could respond, Tsubaki started panicking.

“Tsubaki what's wrong?” Patty asked.

“I can't find black star.” She responded.

I burst out laughing after putting two and two together.

“What are you laughing for?” Kid asked, even more confused.

“Victor check on his restrictors for me.” I said between laughs.

Not understanding why he did and noticed a crack on one. 

“The mosquito is black star.” I couldn't stop laughing. 

It buzzed around Tsubaki. We all started laughing. He changed back to normal a  few hours later.

“That was weird. Now I have a taste for blood.” Black Star explained.

We all laughed. It was a smooth ride for the rest of the first day. After waking up before everyone else again, I went to the dining car to get something to drink. I noticed someone wearing a cloak and staring in my direction. I brushed it off when the kids arrived.

“You ok?” Patty asked, noticing me spacing out. 

“Yeah.  I just noticed someone watching me over there. I am not sure who it is.” I replied.

When we looked in the direction again the figure was gone.

‘That's strange.’ I thought to myself.

“Well we won't let anything happen this time I am here and the best.” Black Star announced with a big smile.

“Thank you Black Star. I appreciate it.” I smiled.

He beamed with pride again. The others joined not much later. Dragedge snuck behind me to scare the crap out of me, nearly giving me a heart attack. He laughed and sat to one side of me. Hatori put a hand on my shoulder on the other side of me. After my heart calmed down a little I punched him in the shoulder.

“We should be home in two or three days.” I said, between heavy breaths.

“I am happy to be done with this mission and get this thing out of my bag.” Victor added.

We chatted for a bit longer before I fell asleep with my head resting on Hatori's shoulder, he smiled giving me a kiss. A few days later and we were closer to death city. 

“We have a one day walk back thankfully.” I said, stretching.

“Finally no more automobiles.” Dragedge yelled excitedly.

We all laughed and started our walk back. Dragedge decided he wanted to help make dinner again and ended up burning one of my pots.

“I spend more money on cookware than I know what to do with.” I joked.

“I'm sorry.” He apologized.

We made it back to the school.

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