chapter 20

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The next day started out as normal, I got up earlier than everyone else. Actually earlier than normal. I started to get ready when I heard a loud clap of thunder. I heard a commotion on the main deck and felt the ship jerk.

"What was that?" Hatori questioned, rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know, I am going to take a look." I responded, giving him a peck on the cheek heading towards the door.

I could hear the rain three levels down as well as the faint sound of Dragedge losing his midnight snack. chuckling to myself, I made my way to the upper deck. the ship started to jerk again. Making my way to the stairs I could hear pandemonium on the other floors, passengers scrambling trying to figure out why the ship was jerking.

"What is going on?" I heard someone say behind me.

I turn around to see Camble and his lackeys.

"That's what I am going to find out. What do you want?" i replied shortly.

"I heard the rain and some thunder before the ship jerked. That's not normal for an airship." he continued.

The ship jerked again. I hit the wall with that thud. Reading myself and ignoring the grumbling coming behind me, I walked up the other floors, the rain and thunder getting louder. I walked out the opening to dark clouds and parts of the deck missing.

'This isn't a normal thunderstorm?' I thought to myself.

The crew was scrambling around trying to tie down some ropes and keep the ship straight. I walked over to the captain.

"What can I do to help?" I yelled, hoping he could hear me through the storm.

"Would you be able to help tie down the loose rope?" He yelled back.

I nodded and got to work. I saw Hatori arrive shortly after me to help as well. We rushed around grabbing what rope we could. During the pandemonium we heard a strange screeching sound in the distance. But thought nothing of it. Between some more unnatural lightning hitting the deck and heavy rains, we were tying another rope down when a strong gust of wind rocked the ship pushing me onto the railing sending me over. I was barely able to hold on hanging over the edge.

"HELP!!" I yelled.

(Hatori heard something. Looking around he noticed grim yelling for help.)

"GRIM!!" Hatori yelled as he tried to run over.

Unfortunately someone else made it there first.

"Grab on." I heard a voice call out.

I looked up to see Camble. I sensed something was off but didn't think anything of it. As i reached with my free hand i felt him put his hand on my other hand and start pushing.

"What are you doing?" I questioned angrily.

"You shouldn't have turned me down." He responded with an evil grin.

'Madness?' I thought to myself.

Before I knew it I was freefalling off the side of the ship. Hatori narrowly missed grabbing my hand. He turned towards Camble punching him to the ground.

'Oh crap. This is not good.' I thought to myself as I tried to figure out a way to get back to the ship. I need to think of something fast. I made a set of chains but missed. We heard a squawk again. I started panicking. I made a set of claws and was able to latch on to the side of the ship.

("What was that for?" Camble asked, holding his face. Noticing the chips in the wood around him.

The other two came running over to see if he was okay.

"What happened?" Korin questioned.

"Your friend here decided to push my girlfriend over the edge of the ship." Hatori hissed.

"That is not what happened." Camble said.

"Then what happened?!!" Hatori yelled back.

Dragedge and Victor ran to the group overhearing the conversation.

"What happened?" Victor inquired.

"Grim fell over the side of the ship, he acted as if he was going to help but pushed her instead." Hatori seethed through gritted teeth, trying to remain calm.

"WHAT!!" Dragedge raged, running to the edge.

Camble slowly stood up holding his face.

"You are going to regret that. Who even are you?" Lianna fumed.)

I saw Dragedge look over the side of the ship as I made a large set of claws to grab onto the side of the ship giving him a thumbs up.

(He let out a sigh of relief as he turned to Hatori who was about to punch Camble again...

"She is going to be fine. Look over the side." he said in his ear, gripping his shoulder.

Hatori paused before doing just that, letting out a sigh of relief himself.

"Let's take care of him before Kid shows up and she gets back up here." Dragedge continues.

"You are her weapon partner arent you?" Camble questioned, pointing to Hatori.

"But who are you? And no she is not getting back up here." he laughed.

The ship shook again. Dragedge held his mouth.

'Crap' he thought to himself.

The squawking sound started getting closer.

"She will be back on the ship and she will be pissed." Dragedge and Hatori responded in unison.

Hatori pushed Camble through the wall before walking away. Everyone stared blankly for a few seconds.)

I started to swing back and forth gaining momentum, starting to get angry at this point and using too much of my powers.

(After he made his way back on deck he went back to Dragedge. "You didn't answer my question. Who are you?" snorted Camble.

"I am her best friend and your fourth worst nightmare." Dragedge responded, turning towards Camble.

"Why the fourth?"

"Your first nightmare is her, if you piss her off enough. Your second is her brother and her father, your next is Hatori who I am surprised has not sent you flying yet. Your final is me, I have not had permission to kill you yet so I wont, but if you so much as look at her the wrong way again we will not hesitate to rip you limb from limb. I can promise you that Hatori will be the first to do so. That is a warning. And she will make her way back on the ship.")

I started panicking as the squawking sound was getting closer. I tried gaining momentum as fast as i could. I was finally able to gain enough momentum to swing around and land on the deck with a thud. Knocking the wind out of me. Hatori and victor ran over while Dragedge kept Camble and his lackeys busy. The rest of the group arrived to see the chaos on deck.

"See i told you." Dragedge pointed out.

The three looked confused.

"Grim!" Hatori yelled.

"Sis are you ok? What happened?" Kid exclaimed, running over.

"I'm fine. Just a little mishap." I responded trying to catch my breath.

After a few seconds I caught my breath and I was able to stand.

"Where is the idiot?" I inquired, my voice sounding deep.

"I don't like the sound of that." Hatori mumbled.

The lines on my neck started to flicker a little.

"Kids go see if you can help the captain and crew. Something is heading towards the ship we are not sure what it is. Hatori and Victor see if you can evacuate some of the crew. I have a feeling something is going to happen. But Hatori, please don't go too far. I might need you." I calmly instructed, turning to the group, my eyes turning purple.

"Crap." Hatori squeaked. 

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