chapter 5

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"Grim!!" Kid said shooting from his chair to give me a hug.

"Hey kiddo! It has been too long, you have grown up so much." I said with a smile.

"Grim, are you the new teacher?" Stein asked, pushing his chair back a little.

"You can relax. And yes, I am the new teacher." I answered.

Kid went back to his seat still smiling.

"Hello Liz, patty. You two have grown up too and look stronger." I said.

"We are. It's great to see you doing well." Liz responded.

"Kid, who is she?" Black Star and Soul asked.

"My older sister Grimoire." He answered.

"YOU HAVE A SISTER!!!" They exclaimed in unison.

I smiled a little. I walked over to the front of the class.

"My name is Grimoire, but you can call me Grim. Starting soon I am going to be your new teacher. My specialties are lore, mythology, and defense against madness." I started.

Black Star looks like he was going to explode after other students started conversations.

"Hey! I want to fight you and see who is stronger." black star yelled, pointing at Dragedge.

"Black Star stop, calm down." Tsubaki said, trying to calm him down.

"Yeah and I want to fight you." Soul said pointing at me.

Dragedge and I both sighed.

"No. You don't want to do that plus I am not fighting a student." He responded.

"You don't want to fight me either, trust me." I said.

Black Star ignored Tsubaki and Dragedge, running towards him. When he got close enough, he suddenly went flying into the wall and hit the floor with a thud. Leaving a body shaped crater in the wall.

"BLACK STAR!" Tsubaki exclaimed, running over to him.

Everyone went silent while I started laughing.

"Do you still want to try?" I said, turning to Soul.

He looked like he was going to say something till Maka smacked him in the head with a book.

"Im good." He wheezed with a bump forming on his head.

"How about we make a deal? Let me get settled here as a teacher. Three months from today we can have a mock fight in the field. You also have to do the work I give you. How does that sound?" I suggested.

"You are insane." Dragedge and Stein said simultaneously.

"You have a deal." Soul said, walking over for a handshake. 

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