chapter 4

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In the classroom...

"I am excited to see who the new teachers are." Some of the students chattered.

"Alright time to quiet down, they should be here shortly for now let's talk science. Tell me how many people here can see soul wavelengths?" He started, twisting the screw on his head.

Maka and a few others raised their hands.

"Everyone has a soul wavelength even if they can't see it. You can tell a person from the wavelength. You may even be able to tell strength from one. The larger the wavelength the stronger the person whether they are a meister or a weapon."

A few moments later there was a knock at the door. Spirit opened it and walked in, Dragedge followed suit. Stein had a surprised look on his face.

"Dragedge!" He said in confusion.

"Hey stein, sorry it took so long to get back. That last mission took us longer than we expected. It's good to see you." He smiled, walking in.

"Dragedge, when did you get back?" Kid asked with excitement.

"A few days ago. We needed some rest before coming here. It is good to see you, you have grown a lot since the last time I saw you." Dragedge smiled.

"We? You mean..."Kid started with a spark in his eyes.

"Yup. She's here too and can't wait to see you."

"Kids this is my former partner Dragedge. He is part of the group I traveled with during my time here, as well as Sid, Spirit, Naigus, and Grimoire." Stein started.

"Who's Grimoire?" a student asked, raising their hand.

"She is powerful, I can say that much. Even though she does have some issues." Stein started.

"You will meet her soon enough." Dragedge added.

Stein gave him a look.

"I'm going to be your new librarian." Dragedge said.

"Does that mean..." Stein started.

"Who is the other new teacher?" Maka asked.

"She will be here in a little bit. She had something to ask lord death." Dragedge said.

"So where have you two been?" Stein asked.

"Tracking down different dragons, and kishins. We wanted to see if any dragons were still around. As well as helping some non-violent witches." He responded.

"Wasn't that supposed to be a need to know basis?" I joked, leaning on the door frame, noire sneaking in the room and sitting in the corner next to the desk.

Dragedge stuck his tongue out at me. 

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