chapter 6

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"I am heading to my lab. I will talk to the two of you later." Stein said, rolling away on the chair.

"Today is going to be a get to know you day. I will officially start tomorrow. So how about today I let you all take the stage. Tell me your name, if you are a weapon or meister, if you are a weapon what kind of weapon are you, if you are already paired let me know that as well, and if you don't have a partner that is fine too." I started looking at the class.

"I can start." A student said, raising his hand.

"My name is Alister Kims. I am a meister without a partner. I am good with hand to hand combat and technology. I also run the school newspaper and journalist." he started.

"He may be annoying and cause some problems, so keep an eye on him and be careful." Dragedge whispered, leaning towards me.

I nodded.

"I can go next." Maka said, raising her hand.

"Go ahead Maka." I said.

She looked a little confused.

"As you know my name is Maka Albeurne. I am a scythe meister, with soul as my partner. I am capable of using the witch hunter ability, and good with hand to hand combat and education. I also have the ability to see others' soul wavelengths." she continued.

"You look alot like your mother." I said.

"You know my mother?" she asked.

"I do. I was ,and kind of still am, part of your fathers team. She was a skilled meister and she would be proud of you." I continued.

She blushed and smiled a little.

"I will see if I can find her and send her a letter. Kid, Liz, and Patty. You don't have to go since i know you three.'' I said.

They nodded in agreement.

"I can go next." Soul said.

I nodded.

"My name is Soul Evans. I come from a family of musicians. I am a weapon, a scythe. My partner, as you know, is Maka. I am the coolest." he said, with a smirk.

Maka face palmed. Dragedge and I let out a laugh.

"Ok then." I said.

"I am Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, I am from a ninja clan. I am a weapon with different forms. Black Star is my partner. I am sorry about him." Tsubaki said.

"You're fine. I will have black star go when he wakes up." I said.

"I am Ox Ford, a meister. My partner is Harvar. I want to get stronger. I am the smartest in the class." Another student continues.

'This is going to be an interesting year.' I thought to myself.

"I am Havar D.Eclair, a weapon. I am a lightning spear. I can also conduct electricity at will. Ox is my partner. I can also resist madness easily." The next student went.

"Oh really? We will be putting that to the test." I commented.

"I am Kilik Rung. A meister. My partners are twin weapons: fire and thunder. I am good with hand to hand combat. My partners don't talk much so I can explain their abilities. They are pot weapons. They can use fire and sound like thunder when hitting. When given some magic from a witch they turn into earth shaman form." the next student said.

"It is interesting to see another set of twin weapons." I responded.

"I am Kimid Diehl, but please call me Kim., a tanuki witch. I am a meister. My partner is Jacqueline. I use regeneration magic, calculation spells and sexy magic. I can also give some of my magic to other people." she added.

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