chapter 3

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"What did you want to ask me, my dear?" My father started.

"Why are we really here?" I asked.

His tone changed a little.

"Other than the reasons I already gave..." He paused.

"Asura was released and I wanted a few more strong weapons and meisters in the school." He responded.

"WHAT!!" when did this happen?" I responded in horror.

"A few years ago. The kids fought him and did fairly well, but he was able to escape." He continued.

"Why wasnt Dragedge and I notified? Where is he now?"

I was getting slightly angry at this point.

"We couldn't find you two, plus your mission was important. He is on the moon in a capsule made byu Crona. Last we checked anyway."

"When was the last time you checked."

"About two years ago."

"I hope he is still there. If needed, Dragedge and I will head there and see what we can do. For now I would like to get settled here and see my brother and the others."

"That's fine. And Grimmy..."

I turned around,

"It is good to see you."

"It's good to see you too." I smiled, tapped Noire on the top of the head and walked out the door. 

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