chapter 29

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I was lost in thought when a hand touched my shoulder. I jumped shooting bolts of madness, accidently hitting Hatori, he flinched  a little. 

“I am so sorry.” I apologized, turning towards him.

“It's ok. I noticed you were staring into space.” He replied.

“I have a strange feeling that I can't shake.” 

He released a wave of calming aura to  help a little. 

( “Where do you think the witch is?” Kid asked as they walked.

“No idea.” Liz responded.

“We should still be careful.” Dragedge instructed.

The others nodded, cautiously moving towards the sound. The sounds started getting louder. Suddenly a wall collapsed out of nowhere.

“Kid look out!” Dragedge exclaimed, pushing Kid and the others out of the way.

“Everyone ok?” Liz questioned, pushing herself up.

“Yeah.” Kid and Patty responded, pushing themselves up as well.

“Kind of.” Dragedge replied, rubbing his shoulder.

“Are you going to be ok?” Kid asked, concerned.

“Yeah. We need to figure out what…” Before he could finish, Dragedge was sent flying into a wall.

The kids stood in shock looking around. 

“Ow…That hurt.” He mumbled, pushing himself up.

Looking up they saw two what looked like living rocks standing behind them.

“We need to run.” Kid suggested.

“Yup.” The group agreed and all went running.

“What were those things?” Kid asked.

“Not sure.” Dragedge responded.

As the group was running Dragedge set off two fireballs in the sky.

“What were those for?” Patty questioned dodging a rock.

“It’s a flair to let the others know trouble is on the way.” He replied panting.)

“Wonder what is taking them.” maka said, breaking the lingering silence. 

“I should have gone instead, they are not as good as me.” Black Star boasted puffing up his chest.

“Black Star enough. I am not sure what is taking so long but it is slightly concerning.” Victor chimed in. 

A bright light lit up in the distance. I jumped up and got ready.

“What's up Grim?” Victor questioned.

“It's a flair. We came up with it in case we got seperated and need help.” Hatori answered.


We saw movement in the distance not knowing if it was the others or not we all got ready. Coming into focus were strange creatures that looked like rocks. 

“What are those things?” Soul asked.

“They look like golems.” Victor commented. 

I reinforced the barrier I made.

“What can stop stone?” Tsubaki asked.

“We hit it really hard.” Black Star said, jumping into the barrier. 

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