Chapter 3 Ren & Martha

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                        With Ren

  Ren woke up in Dogwarts, everyone was gone. He searched everywhere for Martyn his right hand man. Not even a clue to find out where he went.
  "Where could he be?" Ren asked himself outloud.
Then his wolf ears picked up a cry from outside of Dogwarts.
  It sounded like Martyn, but very high pitched. He ran out and scoured the wall. Then he saw someone with short blonde hair in a high collared green shirt, with blue jeans and black sandals. It looked like Martyn but the hair seemed longer than before and he seemed shorter too.
  "Martyn?" Ren called out.
  The person turned around to reveal a more feminine looking Martyn. Her eyes were green due to it still being 3rd Life and she wore a black and silver headband. Ren took off his sunglasses and put them in his pocket.
  "Um, no. I'm Martha. Who are you?" the girl asked curiously.
  Ren cleared his throat and spoke, "I'm King Ren. I'm looking for me Hand and you look a lot like him. Minus that you are shorter and the hair being longer."
  "Well, I'm trying to find my lady, Queen Rey. She wasn't at Dogwarts when I woke up and I'm worried about the rest of the server. The Red Army, the other members, but mostly my friends," Martha said sorrowfully.
  "I'm very sorry to hear that lass," Ren said putting a hand on her shoulder.
  "It's not your fault. I just hope their okay. Enemies don't matter right now if everyone is in danger," Martha said turning toward the tree line.
  "Martha, I think we need to send a message to the server and have everyone meet here at Dogwarts and Renchanting," Ren suggested bringing Martha's attention to him.
  "Your highness, I believe you mean Reychanting," Martha said, trying to correct him.
  "No, I meant Renchanting."
  "Prove it then. There is a sign on the center building where everyone does enchanting that says Reychanting," Martha said crossly.
  "Very well, we will check it out first then we will send the message," Ren said reluctantly.
  They both walked into Dogwarts and came to the sign. What shocked Ren the most was that not only did it say Renchanting, but it also said Reychanting.
  Martha started to speak, "It says Renchanting and.."
  "Reychanting," Ren finished. "Something has been changed here. Yet I do not understand."
  "Shall we still send the message?" Martha asked.
  Ren turned toward her. "Yes but we will leave out both Renchanting and Reychanting. If we say anything about it, they may be just confused as we are."
  Ren and Martha sent the message but the sun had already set. It was getting dark and mobs would be out soon.

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