Chapter 5 Tongay & Tango

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                      With Tongay

  Tongay rowed down the river to the swamp. It was dark but she could see the lava walls that Ethera had made. She turned right and headed towards home. She could see her game Dare to Flare and then made it to her log entrance. When she entered, she removed her pressure plate and then placed it back down.
  As she walked into her cave, she heard footsteps of someone climbing a ladder. She pulled out her sword, still not great with pvp skills.
  "Who goes there?" she asked trying to hide her fear.
  A head popped out from the ladder hole. It was a boy with blonde hair and red eyes. As he climbed out of the hole with his sword in hand, he lifted it up toward her.
  "How did you get in here and who are you?" He demanded, also trying to hide the fact he does not have pvp skills.
  "This is my base and I'm Tongay. Who are you?" she demanded.
  "I'm Tango and there's no way this could be your base. I built it."
  "You mean dug it?" Tongay said unenthusiasticly.
  "How did you know?" Tango asked lowering his sword.
  "Because that's what I did. Now if you'll excuse me I have stuff to take care of."
  "If you mean the cows, don't bother. I already took care of them," Tango said sounding sour.
  "Oh, then great I guess. Wait, how did you know about the utter sauce?" Tongay asked wondering how he even knew about them.
  "Because I managed to find two cows and bring them here."
  "That's not possible because I did that. Before Grianne and Stacora took some," Tongay sourly said, turning her head away.
  "Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Grian or Grianne?" Tango asked putting his sword away with arched eyebrows.
  Tongay looked up at him then answered, "Grianne."
  Tango pulled up his communicator and seemed to be doing calculations. Tongay watch as she realized that he had made some sort of connection. What connection exactly? She had no clue.
   "Why do you ask?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
  "Don't you hear it?" Tango questioned back.
  Tongay shook her head.
  Tango lowered his communicator.
  "Grian. Grianne. Don't you hear how similar they are?"
  Tongay thought about. They did seem similar but she could not understand yet.
  "Say the first name that comes to mind after I say these names. Ren."
  "Rey," Tongay replied.
  "Okay, Etho and Skizz."
  "Ethera and Sky."
  "Ummm, Impy?"
  "Impay," she answered again.
  "Okay what about, Bdubs and Cleo?" Tango asked.
  "Bdebera and Clent," she answered.
  Then it clicked. Their names either sounded so similar yet very different.
  "I see. Our servers must have somehow collided or something if we are both here," Tongay said confidently.
  "That does explain the extra beef and leather I found floating around in with the cows," Tango said casually.
  "Yeah, I just found loose beef and leather just hanging out down there."
  "It must have been mine and your cows! Of course. If the servers collided and if everything is still the same, except for mobs and players. Then that would mean..."
  "Entity cramming killed the cows!"
  Tongay nodded her head. Then Tango pulled out some of the raw beef and held it out to her.
  "Want some, considering these may or may not be yours," Tango offered.
  "How about half? Then you still have some that possibly are yours and then I get the ones that are possibly mine," Tongay suggested.
  "I'm cool with that. So when to we want to head to Dogwarts?"
  "When it's daylight. It's still dark outside and I don't want to die again yet," Tongay answered.
  "Fair enough," Tango replied giving half of the raw beef to Tongay.
  Hopefully daylight would come soon.

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