Chapter 12 Cleo, Bdebera, & LittleB

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             With Cleo, Bdebera, & LittleB

  Cleo walked out of the Crastle with her new friends and server mates. She could tell with they way they talked and acted they were very much like her friends Bdubs and BigB. It was interesting to see so many others running out of the forest to get to Dogwarts. There were at least two black, two blonde, and two teal haired people run towards the cobblestone walls. She could see at least a couple more blondes coming from the mountains behind the walls.
  "I'm surprised that everyone else is okay. I thought we all had been separated for good," LittleB said relieved.
  "Yeah, I guess it is nice to see that all of our own server mates are doing okay," Cleo remarked.
  As they started to walk, Cleo saw three figures run past them. One was a teal skinned boy with ginger hair, the next one was Bdubs and then BigB. She wasn't too shocked but was still surprised. They all continued going towards Dogwarts when the next group of people they saw was Grian and a gray skinned girl. Cleo can only assume it was Scar's female counterpart. After  they ran past, Scar and Grian's female counterpart ran past be a bit further away.
  "Well, looks like it will be quite the reunion," Bdebera said.
  "Indeed it will be," Cleo said.
  After a bit more walking, they all made it to the walls of Dogwarts and climbed over. Once at the top, they could see many of their server mates hugging and greeting each other with joy and relief. Once they joined, Cleo was embraced by Bdubs, Impulse, and Tango. Along with a few others. It was good to be back with the team.

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