Chapter 11 Bdubs, BigB, & Clent

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                With BigB, Bdubs, and Clent

  Bdubs walked with BigB through the plains. Both he, BigB, and the teal skinned ginger haired boy ended up in the village. They were all getting closer to Dogwarts now.
  "So, could you see remind me your name again," BigB asked the familiar but strange boy.
  "It's ZombieClent, but you can just call me Clent. Everyone else usually does," the teal skinned boy said. "Could you remind me your names?"
  "Of course! Mine is BigB," the dark skinned boy said.
  Bdubs turned his head toward the third boy. "Mine is BdoubleO, but you can call me Bdubs. Everyone usually calls me that anyway."
  Clent nodded in acknowledgment. As they continued walking, they could see a few of the others heading towards the walls of Dogwarts. Bdubs could see two different groups of black, blonde, and teal haired people from the left. To his right, he could see coming out of the Crastle Cleo with a couple of other people, both of whom had long black hair. He couldn't see much of anything else but other than some of the similarities between them and the group his is with.
  Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Clent's hand.
  "Race you all to Dogwarts!" he exclaimed and sprinted off.
  BigB followed after. Bdubs smiled.
  "There ain't no way you will beat me!" he shouted as he sprinted after them.
  It was nice to see something at least cheerful happen, even after he became red and the crazy blue lightning event happened. No matter what, everything will be alright.

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