No place like London

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Y/N pov:

The air is thick with mist and fog, along with the stench of shit and piss that almost makes me wanna gag, but I hold it back, not wanting to look like a typical women in-front of the sailors that has high standards and sees the poor as vermin.

Because that's not me, I've seen all kinds of people. The good. The bad. The fucking worst kind. The ones that would whip a child for wanting some bread. The ones that would set fire to a church cause they failed to pay up. The ones......

....that would kill an innocent family in front of a child.....slaughtering each one slowly and painfully just for their own pleasure.....and using their bodies afterwards as if they were nothing but objects to their own despicable desires.....

I know the worst kind. I've seen them. Heard them.

And now I've come for them. I've tracked each of these fuckers down so that I can pay them the same torment and pain they have brought upon me for the past 17 years.

17 years of waiting..... waiting to see the life drain from their eyes as I watched my own flesh and blood do the same that very night.
I've already imagined how I would do it. Slowly - so fucking slowly, and even when their begging I won't stop...

I'm here for blood.
I'm here for vengeance.
I'm here for the man who caused all this.
And nothing will stop me from getting revenge on the man they call...
......Judge Turpin.....

(Hope it's peeked some interests)

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