Perfect excuse

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I could feel the stare radiating from Sweeney eyes and it felt like hot irons picking at my flesh, slowly revealing the true colours of my deceit. I avoided his stare with all will power that I had cause I knew, that if I looked at him now, it would tear my chest apart.

"Brother?" Nellie questions, clearly confused at this and I don't blame her. She steps forward but I lift my hand up, for only so that she can see. I don't want Sweeney to see me stopping her cause then it would prompt him to question. And I know my answers now will hold no trust in what I say.

"She didn't tell you about me did she? Oh y/n" he grins and I glare at him. Feeling my rage bubble inside, getting hotter and hotter the more I stand here listening to him speak.

I never mentioned him because I had no reason to. This man was dead. To me at least. After all these years I'd forgotten him and chose to think he too was murdered that night.
But clearly that's failed as he's here right now.

"Upstairs" I grit out, grabbing his arm and pulling him through the door and up the stairs, refusing to look back down in case Sweeney decided to follow. But after a few seconds, he doesn't. Making me feel somewhat hurt and thankful.

I wish for him to follow but for also to stay away. All depends on how he reacts and responds to the answers of his questions he might have.

Slamming the door to Sweeneys room, my so called brother walks in all high and mighty. As usual. God sometimes I could just strangle him. Not kill him but just strangle.
I stand by the door and wait for what he has to say and know why and how he's here.

"Lovely place you got here" he smiles, though it doesn't touch his eyes.
I just stare at him, completely angry with how he found me so easily.
"Though I don't believe you took in the art of shaving men's beards. Have you sis" he tilts his head slightly and I snap.

"You have no right to call me that" I snap and he makes a voice of false shock.
"Is that how you treat your dear brother. After all this time?" He responds, placing a hand in his chest.

"Please. It's nothing compared to how you treated us" I scoff and begin to slowly pace the room. 
The absolute nerve of this guy.
"I don't know what you mean" he shrugs and I close my eyes.

"You know exactly what I mean. After everything mother and father did for you" I say and he gives me a look.
"What they did for me? Oh that's cute" he chuckles.

I feel my blood begin to boil and I need something to smash.  Preferably his face but even that would calm my nerves. Fuck sake.
I don't have time to be fighting with him. I need him gone. Now. For good.

"Why are you here? What'd you want?" I stop pacing and fold my arms looking at him and he sighs. Like my question borers him and it has no meaning whatsoever.
"Speak" I hiss out and he looks away and then back at me for a second.

"I've come to collect you. Bring you back." He responds.
"Why? I told you I wasn't coming back" I state and he nods slowly.
"Yes. You made that quite clear in your letter." He says and I swallow. Feeling rather sick right now.
"I'm surprised you remember that. Thought you'd forget about me after I tried asking for help and you so clearly shut me out" I scoff.

"I didn't shut you out I offered you an alternative. Which you declined." He offered a hand out.
"And that was the best you could do?" I ask, already knowing the answer.
"Then? Yes. Now - no." He responds and I stare at him.
"How so?" I ask and he smiles, making me wanting to vomit.

Sweeneys pov

I waited for a while when y/n went upstairs with her so called brother. Who's meant to be dead. And I'm contemplating going up there and questioning on how exactly he's meant to be alive.

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