The past can be painful

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Nellies PoV

After seeing Turpin run out in a fit of rage, I couldn't help but run up to see Anthony running out a few seconds later, and I can only assume the worst.

"All this shouting and running about. What's happened?" I walk in to find Sweeney standing with his razor in his hand, looking like he's just seen a ghost.

"I had him" he whispered.
"The sailor busted in. I saw then running down the stairs"
"I had him! His throat was bare beneath my hand" he turns around and start talking to fast, indicating that he's getting really worked up.
"There, there dear. Calm down" I try to calm him but he doesn't listen.
"No I had him! His throat was there and he'll never come again.." he begins to pace back and forth.
"Easy now, hush love hush. I keep telling you-"
"When?" He rages out staring at me.
"What's your rush...?" I'm starting to get worried now. He has that look in his eye.

"Why did I wait? You told me to wait, now he'll never come again..." he stares at me and I'm lost for words that could calm him.
So instead....I let him rant. Releasing his frustration out.

Authors note!!!!
So if you know the story then here is the next part if you wish to include a song.
The next part will follow and I'll try to make sense.
End the video at the end of the song!!! (If that makes sense)
Thank you!

Still Nellie PoV

After I let him have his rant, he collapses on his knees looking defeated. And I just stare at him.
"Hello?" I call out and he looks down, with a sad expression.
I walk over and lean down to him.
"Do you hear me??" No response.
I sigh and walk behind him. "Come on"
I grab his arms and lift him up, "oh you great useless thing".

I take him downstairs in attempt to cheer him up, so I place him at the table and offer him some gin. He takes it and just stares into the glass.
I swear he's losing his marbles. I need to get him focused and ready, we can't have any more problems, and the first one we need to clear, is y/n.

"Look Mr T, you and y/n need to sort out your Turpin situation, you both clearly want him dead and both want to do it yourself" I sigh, rubbing my forehead.
He doesn't reply so I try my best to reason with him.
"Listen Mr T, I understand you both perfectly why you need this, and I don't blame ya. But if you don't find a way for both of you to get what you want...someone is going to end up killing the other...probably. All I'm saying didn't see her....y/n. When you forced us out, she was...distraught. And I know for definite, that you didn't care." I speak clearly for him to hear, and he does.

"Did you not hear what I said earlier...?" He responds taking a sip of gin afterwards.
"Yes..yes I did. Just-" he cuts me off.
"The judge is mine. That was the plan. And I won't change it just because she came with the same idea afterwards. Fuck, she can have Beadle, him she can have- but the Judge, is mine!" He grits out. Making himself perfectly clear, that there is no way for me to get through to him.
And with that, I give up.

"Fine....fine. But please, can we figure out what to do with the bodies?" I plead, and he nods. And I take the time to try and think.
We both stay still in silent, trying our best to think. I look around the room, at the mess on the counter, the bugs, flour...gosh business really is tough....

I look out the window and stare at the crowd, watching them pass by, looking for some sort of sign for an idea, a way to rid the bodies, make it so they can't be found. Can't bury them, can't dump them....what can we do.......what can....wait........I freeze and a idea pops into my head.

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