Secrets of the past revealed.

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Sweeney pov  (still)

I slowly make my way towards him, making sure that I don't step on something faulty which may cause me to slip and then for him to kill me. He waits for a few seconds just standing there, every now and then looking at me then over at y/n.
I can't tell what kind of emotion is on his face when he looks at her. Other than determination.

"This all could've been avoided. If only you just stayed away"  he calls out.

"Could say the exact same to you"

"I had no choice in the matter, you did. If y/n did not marry our family's legacy and name would be put to shame.........And of course there's her dowry" he grins on that last part and my heart hammers against my chest with how angry I am.

"Is that all your sister is to you then - money!?"

"Well..." he tilts his head to the side slightly and I grit my teeth at him.

I reach back for my knife without hesitation and hold it out towards him and he just chuckles, only feeling my anger even more. This man thinks I'm fucking around? That I can't take him? I've thought about killing him since I learnt he wished to take y/n away, so this should be quite easy enough for me.

"Oh Mr Todd.......................that- is your name right? Sweeney Todd? Cause I swear I saw some records from my time back at home, about a man who fits the description of someone just like you. Coincidence no?"

"Yes coincidence" I reply instantly with a stern tone trying to compose myself. He could be bluffing. He could not be. I don't really wanna know.
He gives off a smirk and I just know this man is trying to get me all wired up and try to pinpoint my weaknesses.....which is kinda working as I'm aiming for his throat.

"Look.  If you just turn around and go, I will forget I ever saw you. Just walk away and no blood shall be shed." He tries to reason with me but I can tell by the tone of his voice he has no intention of letting me go. And he definitely insists on not letting y/n go either. Neither do I.

"I'm not leaving here without her."  I say before launching towards him, swinging my arm across his throat but he's quick to move out the way.
He ducks under my arm and kicks the side of my ribs, making me collide with the wall beside me.
I groan and stagger as I try to gain my focus back and I turn to see him stood beside y/n, looking at her.

"None of this was meant to happen if only you just listened to me" he says to her, but I don't know if she's even listening to him. She stares ahead with a dull expression and I worry for her. I'm not sure how much of her is left but I swear I will get her out of here, even if it means losing apart of her.

I step forward towards him and he turns immediately, kicking his foot up into my chest, taking me back a few steps which he then tackles me to the ground.
I land with a hard thud and the wind is taken out of me.
I lose the grip of my blade and lose it on the ground as I struggle to fight against y/ns brother as he throws punches towards my face a couple times.  I manage to dodge a few but catch a couple on my temple and then catch some of my shoulder, due to me moving around and his aim getting poor.

I lift my knee to kick into his stomach and he lets out a growl and tumbles to the side, giving me space to lift up and now tower over him. He grabs my wrist and I stagger over him, but I manage to use my free hand and elbow him in the face, making a cracking noise come from him nose.

"Fuck-" his head flips back and I stagger on my feet, breathing heavily as he holds his nose with a hand, with spots of blood dripping down.
I search for my blade but I can't see it anywhere, making me panic thinking he may have it hidden somewhere and I've practically just handed it to him.

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