Hell on earth

221 8 3

Torture people!!! Caution !!!!

Y/n pov

My eyes shoot open and I gasp out for air, only for my throat to freeze by the sheer coldness of the stone room I've been placed in. It feels like my throat is full of sandpaper and with every swallow, I'm slowly swelling and finding it harder to breath.
Both my wrists and ankles are bound increasingly tight on the wooden chair and with every movement, the straps rub and tear my sore flesh causing my eyes to swell with tears that slide down along with the water that has now covered the majority of my body.

"She talking yet?", "No, not a word"
I hear two males speaking in the far distance, but it's too dark for me to see them clearly. The only source of light is the faint flicker of one above me and even that seems too bright to look at.
The water dripping down my body begins to feel like hot needles pricking at my flesh and I shiver, not being able to control my body's movements. My shivering causes my bounds to rub against me more and I close my eyes, trying to ignore the pain and focus on staying awake.

"Five more minutes. Then we'll move on until sir arrives" I hear one of them say and then the sound of footsteps walking away. Somehow that makes me more nervous, knowing that I'm alone with the fucker that's been drowning me and beating me.
Cause when that other man came, only then did he stop.

Pieces of my hair stick to my face and other pieces dangle in front of me, drenched in water and it seems to be weighing my head down, cause I'm struggling to keep it up. Everything just feels heavy and I feel weak. Weaker than ever before and that angers me inside, knowing that I'm allowing this to happen to me. Allowing myself to give in to their tricks and toys of torture.

I'm the one who used to do the torturing. Me and Sean. My mentor. I remember him well, along with the techniques he taught me and I'm trying to use those techniques now, to help steady my breathing. But it's no use. My body can't help the cold and fresh bruises on my arms and now the throbbing in my head.

"Here we go" my head is lifted up by the hair and I hiss in pain, looking at the male that's smiling down at me. I grimace at him and that just makes him smile more. I wanna smash his face in. Wipe that smirk of his face......but I can't....

"Hey- hey-" he slaps my cheek when my eyes go heavy and I allow my head to fall. But his hand wrapped in my hair doesn't, cause he holds me up tightly I'm surprised he hasn't ripped any hair out.
He smells of smoke and metal, but I'm sure that's the smell of blood from my nose.

He roughed me up pretty good when I got here. But not enough for me to be worried for any serious damages. Just a bloody nose, bruised arms and sore cheeks. I'd say he's gone rather easy on me. If it weren't for the fucking cold water he's been splashing on me every five fucking minutes.
He sets a bucket on the side and fills it up slowly to make me nervous every time it fills up. But every time I'm just as prepared.

"Don't go falling on me girly. We ain't finished just yet" he lowers his neck so his back looks crooked to look down on me and I nearly laugh at how stupid he looks.
"The fuck do you want?" I whisper out in a small bite and he tuts at me, then crouches down before me.
I stare down at him and see his face fully under the light. Shaven beard, blue eyes, brown hair. He'd be considered attractive if he wasn't such a dick, and maybe I'd consider leaving his pretty face untouched.

"No need for the language love, doesn't suit you"
I let out a breathless scoff and look away from him, not bearing to look into his blue eyes any longer. They almost suit the colour of my dress that Sweeney bought me. Though it's dirty and ripped on the ends so now it's completely ruined.

"What I need from you......is too tell me where Peter is. That's all" he exclaims like this isn't some sort of trick. I know how this goes. He makes out like Peters alive so that he doesn't make me believe that he thinks I killed him. It's rather smart but when your trained for torture, you become accustomed to the small tricks.
"I told you...I don't know" I say, looking him in the eyes to try and assert some dominance. But I don't think he budges even the slightest.

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