Strange noises

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Sweeney's POV

"Well she's not coming out any time soon" Mrs Lovett sighs. I stand next to my chair whilst staring out the window once again, agitated. The competition today had my mind set on Beadle Bamford, seeing him in the market today, had me almost killing him there and then. But Mrs Lovett stopped me. Thankfully. The scene would be too much and I would've lost my chance at Turpin.

"Mr T, I think you should clean this room up. If your gonna be having customers, you gotta make presentation"

I nod. Barely paying attention to her. My mind is in twists with todays moments.
I'm trying to focus on my plan, and on how I'm going to lure Judge Turpin here, but judging by Beadle, he should give him some type of notice.
Hopefully convince him to come here for a shave. I would gladly provide him one. Even a free one as the cost would all be too good for me.

I stare out the window still and Mrs Lovett comes beside me.
"Mr T we gotta talk". This time she seems serious. Even with a little worry tone in her voice.
"What is it?" I ask. But I already have a feeling of what this conversation is going to be about.

She seemed off today. Not just with the crowd but whilst I was on stage.
I took a couple glances over to her when I had chance, but only to notice she wasn't looking at me. Rather looking at Banfords direction. She looked furious but also baffled, why, I don't know.
At first I was confused at this, but I didn't allow it to distract me as I too was focused on him and the strangers neck I had to shave.

"There's something you should know before I say anything else though" she rushed out.
I take the time to look over to her and see her with her hands on her hips. Looking quite frustrated.

"What?!" I'm getting annoyed with how she's dragging this. So I make it obvious I want her to spit it out by looking at her with an annoyed expression.

"She had a knife. Y/n had a knife Mr T and by the looks of it, she intended to use it on your Beadle bloke."

I'm surprised by this. Not by the fact she had a knife of course. But the part where she mentioned Beadle. Why would she be targeting him? Does she know him?
"I stopped her in time. But she didn't look happy because of it. She's angry and now she won't come out of her room"

"Does she still have the knife?" I question.

"No. I took it from her before she could do anything" she pulls the knife out of her pocket, revealing the rough cut edges and that black handle.

I hold my hand out for her to give it to me. When she does I examine the blade.
She hasn't sharpened it still. It has a few blunt edges and stains of muck in it.
Clearly she's had this for a long time. Wonder why she didn't get a different one.

Dropping my arm while still holding the blade, I walk towards the door.
"I'll speak with her"

Before anything Nellie rushes.
"Wait, what will you tell her? I thought we weren't to involve her in this"
That's true. I never wanted y/n involved with any of this. I only wanted her as an alibi.
But if she intended to use this knife on Beadle....then we may have something more in common to share.
And with that..she could be of more use.

As I walk down the corridor to y/n's room, I can hear a lot of shuffling noises coming from it. I lean close to the door, trying to hear whatever it is she's doing.

I can barely make out the words she mumbles to herself, but I can make out the words Beadle...soon....dark.
I'm confused to why she's mumbling to herself about him, and I decide to knock on her door as waiting here has me feeling like some sort of pervert.

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