This is different

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The feeling of Sweeneys lips brush against mine are soft yet harsh, almost like he's starved, and he's finally got a taste of something he's been craving for. And that something is me.

I can't move all that well, as his hands are cupping my face tightly and his body is pressed against mine, nearly causing me to tumble backwards over Peters body. I grab onto both of his arms and squeeze, hoping that he would release the grip he has on me, but he doesn't. He just kisses me even more and I swear, I feel the soft lick of his tongue brush against my lips for a split second, and it honestly startled me so much I push my hands forcefully on his chest.

He stops and looks at me with a mixed expression, while my expression is fully of shock and confusion.
I breathe quite quickly, trying to catch my breath and I face away, not bearing to look at him right now. Because if I do, I might just break, and I'm only just starting to mend myself back together again.

"Y/n..."he whispers, and I can hear the faint sound of worry in his voice. I fist my hands into a ball on his chest and he lowers his down to my shoulders, more gently this time, leaving my face feeling cold without his touch.

I open my mouth to speak, but I can't find the words to express what I'm feeling right now. Fear? Anger? Happiness? Confusion......
My heart is beating so fast, I can hear it in my head like drums and I close my eyes, trying to focus on what is happening in front of me.

"I'm sorry I-" I say, cutting myself off by backing away from him, and I see the pain in his eyes when I do so, and it makes me look away once more.
"I'm sorry..." I whisper as I walk away, stepping out of the cellar door and up the stairs, refusing to look back in case he watches me.

All my nerves are high on edge and I can't shake the heavy feeling I have on my chest.
He kissed me....he kissed me.....
I repeat the moment over and over in my head as I walk through the bakery's door and through to the living room, where I find Nellie and Toby lay on the sofa.

"Y/n?" Nellie looks over at me with furrowed brows.
I stop and look over, not completely freezing as my arms and body seem to move in a small motion, but my legs stay put.
"What's wrong love?" She asks, as Toby is sound asleep next to her.
I stutter as I try to speak, but I find myself unable to like before.

This seems to concern her as her face goes serious and she carefully stands up, without waking Toby.
"What? What happened?" She asks again but I'm pacing and my words are like jelly.
"I..I...well....uhm..I" I stutter and she grabs me by the shoulders firmly.
"Calm down....and speak slowly" she says slowly and calmly.
I stare at her and try to find the words to explain that Sweeney had just kissed me after I murdered someone.

But all I seem to come up with is one word.
"Peter.." I whisper and her arms seem to drop in relief, or frustration.
"Ah love, c'mere" she pulls me in for a hug, and the embrace seems to shock me at first, but after a few seconds I seem to calm down a little bit .
"He's gone now. He can't hurt you anymore" she whispers in my ear, soothing my nerves that seem to be calming down now.

She must think I'm panicking over Peter, and part of me probably is. But not as much as the sudden behaviour Sweeney did.
"I know.." I whisper and she squeezes me a little bit, reassuring me in her own way and I find myself wrapping my arms around her as well.
In some funny way, Nellie is like a mother to me, caring and understanding, and it comforts me and my troubles.

"Sorry, I was just overwhelmed for a second there" I say, releasing the hug and chuckle a little, trying to ease some tension. I place a hand on my forehead, feeling the warmth of it and try. to use my hand to cool it down, but I stop as I realise I still have blood on my hand.
I shoot my hand down, looking over to see if Toby saw, but seeing that he's still fast asleep reassures me.

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