Giving you apart of me

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Sweeneys PoV

I haven't been able to sleep much last night. Not because I couldn't, but because I had y/n in my arms throughout the whole night and I couldn't help but watch her as she lay in my arms, clinging onto my shirt. Seeing how she held onto me, made me not want to let go and hold onto her even more, not ever wanting to let her go.

Her body is so tightly pressed against mine and it's taking everything of me not to flip her over and kiss her body until she's shaking underneath me. It doesn't help with how one of her legs is arched up and dangerously close to my erect dick, and if she lifted even an inch, she'd brush against it. Fuck.

Her breast are pressed together and popping up, giving me an eyeful of their fullness and how soft her skin looks, making me imagine the ways I would graze my teeth across them, leaving my mark on her. Goddamn. My dick stiffens even more, becoming increasingly painful with need and with y/n in my arms I'm losing a battle within myself.

"Mmm" I hear her hum, moving her head slightly across my chest. I look down and see her wiggle her body slightly and I pray to god that she stops, but also that she doesn't.
I want her to touch me, I need her to so fucking badly.
"Hm" she hums quickly and I see her flutter her eyes open. Those beautiful eyes.

"Hey.." I whisper down her cheek and she gives me a tired smile.
"Mornin..." her voice is husky and sexy and I feel my cock twitch at the sound of it.
"How'd you sleep?" I ask and she closes her eyes when she smiles and stretches her legs and back on me, moving her leg away from my crotch area.

"Surprisingly good" she smirks, placing her hand around my chest, and I wrap my hand around her waist.
"Surprisingly?" I smirk and she does too.
"Yes, I never took you as a cuddly person"
"I'm not, you just sprawled all over me" I look away smiling and she slaps me jokingly.

"I did not. You just happened to be there" she shrugs and buries her face into my chest, almost like she going back to sleep.
I shake her and try to get her to lift her head up.
"Nooo..." she groans and I chuckle.
"We need to get up" I try to lift up as I say but she holds me down tightly. 

I can't help but chuckle, seeing her act all innocent around me is honestly adorable and I wish for nothing more than to sleep here with her all day, but we can't. If Mrs Lovett finds us missing, then she'll come looking for us and I can't imagine how'd she'd react if she saw us like this.

I lay back in defeat and use both arms to try and get ahold of her, but she laughs and shakes around me, as I use my hands to tickle her hips and stomach.
"That tickles!! Ah fuck!!" She shrieks and finally lifts up and so do I.
But she's quick to grab both my wrists and hold them down and she jumps on top of me, placing her legs opposite my waist, straddling me, but her dress covers the area.

Shit. Shit.

"Now that.....was mean" she breathes in a laugh whilst looking at me and I'm trying so hard not to move and she is right above my erection.
I look at her with a awkward smile and try to laugh it off but also trying to be serious.

"Yeah, yeah I apologise" i say, desperate for her to move away from my cock. As much as I want her right now, I can't right now, I promised myself I'd wait.
I try to lift up again but this time she pushes her chest in front of me as she lifts her ass of my body to lean closer to me.

"Ah! I don't think so! It's only fair you receive the same treatment" she says in a husky voice and I swear some precum leaks out of me. For fucks sake. That voice will be the death of me.

This is bad. I can't do this to her right now. This kind of torment and pressure would be too much for her and me, especially with everything else going on.

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