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Sweeneys POV:

I decided to listen in on y/ns and Toby's conversation, and I'm glad I did, seeing as I've learnt something rather new and interesting. And judging by y/ns reaction, I can see that she is rather confused and I'd say stunned to hear this, and I can't really blame her. In fact, I'm rather angry at the fact that Mrs Lovett had my daughter watched without telling me and not tell me why she's having her watched.

I believe that Anthony had a plan of getting her out of there, and then bringing her back here to escape Turpin and lure him here to me, where I shall give him to y/n, and then finish him off myself.
That's was always the plan.
So why must Mrs Lovett make sure that Johanna stays there, and have her watched when Anthony already does that..?

This makes no sense to me, and the only explanation I can come up with is that, she too wishes to have someone keep an eye on her, but even then I can't understand why.

"You gonna stand there all night...?" Y/n calls out without looking at me, and I smirk, loving how she knew I was here even though I tried to stay hidden. Clever girl.
I open the door a little more, stepping into the room, where the fire is lit up, making crackling noises and lights parts of the room like a sunset glow. Lightning the side of y/ns face, where her dark hair shines like black ocean, and her cheek is a soft hum of sun.
"How long did you know I was there?" I ask.

"Hm, I didn't" she shrugs and turns her head to face me, leaning over her shoulder a little, allowing the light to shine over her entire angelic face, making her eyes glow a nice honey colour.
"Seems like you did" I walk towards her and she smirks a little.
"Maybe a little" she smirks a little more, looking up towards me.
"Then how? I was quite hidden" I ask, taking a seat in front of her.

She faces me once more and I lean back on the couch, allowing my body to relax and allow my legs to spread a little, just to make myself feel more comfortable in the area.
She doesn't answer, but instead looks towards the mirror behind me where I too look, but I only see the reflection of the door that leads to the bakery.
"I could see you hiding" she smiles and stretches her neck.

"Hm, I didn't think of that" I chuckle and she does too.
"Heh. Not so sneaky this time then. Maybe some other time" she turns her body to lay on her side, resting her arm on her hip, where the curve of her ass lifts.
"Next time?" I lift a brow and she shrugs with her lips.
"Well, that wasn't exactly the first time was it?" She asks and I can't help but look down while letting out a chuckle.

"No, no it wasn't" I lift to see her smiling a little, and she looks so beautiful right now and I can't help but admire her from here. Not that I've never admired her, because I have. I guess I've never truly admired her and her beauty.
"But what makes you think that?" I ask again.
"Hmmmm, I don't know. I guess I just had a feeling" she stares off and I hum.

She's always known I've been there, watching her. Stalking her, technically.
And she doesn't seem all that concerned that I have been, which kinda makes me feel a little more possessive of her. With how she's allowed me to watch her, even when she had a feeling, but who's to say she did allow me, maybe she didn't and instead ignored the fact that I've always been her shadow.

"And did it bother you?" I tilt my head at her.
She goes quiet and sighs, looking to be deep in thought with what I asked her. And it makes me think even more, if it did bother her and didn't. And how each of those answers will make me feel.
If it did bother her, I'd feel conflicted, but if it didn't bother her, it'd make me happy and want to do it even more, even more extreme.
"I.....don't know" she sighs once more.

"I guess so, but also not - I can't really explain it" she shakes her head, trying to avoid the question, but I wish to know how she thinks of me.
"Try to" I prompt and she looks over at me with slightly wide eyes and parted lips, which I take the time looking at and remember our kiss and how we molded together. This makes my crotch tingle at the memory, and I try to ignore it as I'm trying to be a little serious with her.

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