Getting to know you

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As soon as Nellie left and the door had closed.
The silence was the loudest it had ever had been whilst being in this room.

I look over to Sweeney, to find his back turned and looking out the window, he doesn't move, like he's a statue or something.

"So...your a barber.." I state, trying to clear the air of its unwanted tension.
"Yes." He doesn't even move. His tone is cold as fuck, giving me the impression that Im somewhat trespassing, though it feels more like I'm stuck in here.

I look around to find a mirror an chest on the side of the wall. I go to walk over and sit on the chest, my footsteps loud enough to at least alarm someone. Make them flinch.

But no. He's as still as a rock. Strange.

I take this moment to really soak up the room, paying him no more attention than he is me.
It's cold in here. And there's that smell......I know that smell.
I look around more trying to pinpoint the location of the smell,  before laying my eyes on a brown box that lays on the side of the room.

Intrigued. I walk over to the box, finding it already opened and a light silver shine eroding from its shell.
I reach out to grab a piece of the silver, finding it to be a barbers blade.
It's design is absolutely beautiful.
The sharp edges are polished and sharpened at its finest.
The things you could do with this blade.....
The people you could use it one....

I feel my heart race at the thought of the Judge Turpin before me, my hand holding the blade before his throat...and slicing it open, so, so fucking, slowly.
His blood pooling out, draining him of life.
It makes my stomach flutter, the sight of blood sending a rush down to my core.

I smile at the thought. Then seeing the reflection of Sweeney behind me through the blade.

"Find something interesting pet?" He whispers behind me.
He's too close, I can feel his breath hit my ear, making me shiver ever so slightly.
How easy it would be to turn around and slice his neck open.....

"Their beautiful.." I whisper back, still mesmerised by the silver blade. They are.

There just like my blades.
Although mine are a little more...practical.

I didn't even realise Sweeney's hands rising up before me...around me, though it's not me he grabs. It's the blade. He takes it from my hands and closes it up, but still holds it in my gaze, like he's trying to hypnotise me.

"These blades are my friends.....and I intend to use them wisely, without any interference" his voice is low and gravely.
He drops the blade from my sight and backs away, giving me space to turn around and finally face him again.

"Your friends you say" I stare at him. He looks down, wiping the blade as if I had dirtied it.
I appreciate the way he treats the blade though, with care and respect, makes me wonder if he's like that with all objects.

"Wanna meet mine?" I whisper, catching his attention. His brows furrow in confusion, but his eyes have a glint of curiosity.

I slide my bag of my shoulder and reach in to grab my black handle. Pulling it out to reveal a sharp knife with pointed edges on the side. I designed this knife, perfectly and specifically for him.
I don't know why, but sharing this with Sweeney seems normal. He shared his toys - well, I practically found them, and now I'm showing him mine. Nothing wrong with that.

His gaze focuses on my blade and he tilts his head slightly.
His expression is unreadable. I don't know if he's impressed or simply bored.
I don't give a fuck though.
I only need this for a few necks.....and possibly other things.

"You've sharpened it wrong" he points out.
I'm immediately offended by this, as I took a lot of time creating this masterpiece and he's just shit all over it.
I give him a look of anger but that doesn't seem to affect him at all.
He just simply walks away behind me, placing the blade back in its box.

Well fuck him.
Like I need his opinion on my design.
He has no idea on what I intend to use it on.

He walks back over to the window and looks out like before.
I fold my arms and walk over to him, looking out the same exact window, seeing nothing but people in the streets.
Some beggars, some carriages, some children playing.
Though it makes me wonder why the fuck he's just staring out like this.

"See something you like pet" i practically repeat what he called me, but in a more sarcastic tone. I don't like this odd tension, it makes me feel uneasy and that's the last fucking think I need here.

I have one job. And one job only.

"No. Just waiting" he says all of a sudden.

Waiting? For what? Who?

"Mind filling me in on what, or who?" I ask. Needing some form of communication between us.
If I'm gonna be living here for a while, i need to be able to talk to these people, or else it'll makes thing difficult for me to focus.

I look over at him. His pale face even paler with the white sky shining on him. His dark eyes roam all over the streets. In this point of view, he's beautiful. Almost as beautiful as his blades.
Strange that.

All of a sudden, I hear Nellie shouting from downstairs that she's back.
Finding that to be an excuse to leave, I turn away walking towards the door when I hear Sweeney speak..

"It is a beautiful piece.....that blade of yours" he says.

I'm almost stunned to hear him say this. Because before he insulted it.
I turn my head and give him a smile. Not a sweet one. Not an unkind one.
But a kind that shows a spark of interest.
And I swear I see the slightest lift on the side of his lips.
I must be going insane, because I smile even bigger whilst leaving.

I smile cause I just found out that we have something in common.

A interest in blades...

....funny that...

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