Chapter One-Evan

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It's the same story everyday.  Up at seven, breakfast by seven thirty and out the door at eight. Off to the library that I inherited from my mother after she passed away. It wasn't my dream to become a librarian, but my mother loved books. I wanted to be a doctor but after her sudden passing two years ago there was no way I could finish medical school. It took some moving around with my classes, but I was able to graduate the top of my class with a bachelors in business management.

So now I have a boring life that is filled with books. My customers do make it worth it somedays. I have my usual elderly patrons that come in twice a week to browse the shelves for an hour or two looking for anything that may catch their eye. Then you have the teenagers who are developing a love for reading, just like my mother. I spend a lot of time talking with them and giving them my opinions on their book of the week.

Overall, life isn't easy. The bills barely get paid and the roof leaks on the house my grandparents gifted my mother when she  became pregnant with me. It is a beautiful house on the outskirts of town. My family has owned this land for twenty two years and for whatever reason, the bank wants the property. They try to throw money at me for it, but there is no way I could ever sale. This place is my home, the only home I have ever known. Sometimes I still feel my mother there whenever I feel alone.

Life isn't all depressing though. My best friend Aria makes sure there is never a dull moment. She is small and feisty standing at an astounding 5'2 with the reddest hair you have ever seen. What she lacks in height she makes up in attitude. She never hesitates the tell me or anyone how she feels and the girl definitely doesn't have a filter. She's the only employee I can afford to pay in the library, she even takes less pay in order to help me out. it's not like she needs the money, she was born with a silver spoon in each hand and one on back up if the other two becomes smudged.

Her parent's are amazing though and have always treated me like one of their own. The invite me to every holiday, every birthday and sometimes I even go away with them for New Year's Eve to watch the ball drop in New York. They always make me feel so loved, even if they aren't mine.

Sometimes I really wish I could  have someone of my own, but I just don't have the time to try to meet someone. Not a lot of gay men come into the library and there is just no time after we close to go out and meet someone, besides the quick hookups. Which I do not go for, much to the disappointment of Aria. She always says, "We are two strong independent women, we don't need no man." She's always makes me laugh.


It's another beautiful spring day in Seattle, and I have no motivation to go to work today. I couldn't sleep well last. Alas, bills don't pay themselves unfortunately so it's out of bed I go. I rush through my shower, breakfast and teeth brushing and try like hell to manage this long curly mess of hair that I have.

Staring at myself in the mirror as I brush out my curls. My blue eyes look kind of dull after a restless night, my small stature isn't even impressive. I definitely took after my mother being short, standing at 5'4 and a small frame but curvy in the hips. I never knew my father, he was never around growing up so I'm not sure if I carry any of his features.

You know that feeling like something bad is going to happen? Yeah I have that feeling. After a short bus ride downtown, I make my weekly stop by Gail's Flower Shop to choose a bouquet to keep on my front desk. I browse through the shop to see if there is anything that catches my eye when Gail makes her way out of the back carrying a beautiful arrangement of purple tulips.

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