Chapter Seven-Evan

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"I am Bash's ex-girlfriend." I have two issues with this. One; Bash told me he has never dated anyone. So either he lied to me, or she is trying to bait me. I'm thinking it's the latter.

Number two and the most important fact; Bash is gay. He has told me on multiple occasions how openly gay he was. So this 5'9 bleach blonde, way to skinny bimbo is only trying to get under my skin. And it's not going to work.

I stand up quickly completely ignoring that last comment, and reach for Bash's hand which he takes with no hesitation. Lacing our fingers together I take the high road and simply walk away. If she thinks I am going to embarrass myself over a petty comment she has another thing coming.

I had no idea where I was walking to, but I kept walking gaining a few awkward glances from a few party goers. I guess I'm not the type most people would picture with Bash. My slim build and long curly hair standing next to his tall frame and clean cut business mogul, I can see where they would think that. But I am a respectable member of this community as well and they should recognize that.

We end up next to a buffet style food bar, and I think I am in heaven. The lobster Bash promised me has finally come into view and I can't help but do a tiny little dance. Bash smiles and rests his hand on the small of my back.

"Why don't you get us a new seat over there and I'll get us some food." I smile and make my way over to an empty table that has the best view. Low hanging string lights swing over head in the nights breeze. The city lights twinkle off the harbor; this truly is a romantic setting. The sun has fully set now and the skyline is truly incredible out here on the water. The scraping of a chair brings my attention back to the party and I almost expected Miss Jennifer Sky to show back up.

Instead I find an odd looking man, almost like a weasel staring at me. In the right lighting he might be handsome, and by right light I mean pitch black wearing sunglasses. This guy is the definition of sketchy which makes me wonder why he is sitting at my table.

"Can I help you?" I sit back in my chair and cross my arms, and we just stare at each other. After awhile I get tired of this weird game and begin to stand up, at the same time Mr. Creepy stands and his chair is replaced by a strangely handsome man. His long brown bangs were accented by his undercut. This guy screams bad news. I look around trying to spot Bash, but he seems to be talking to another older gentleman. Ugh dammit Bash, I need an adult. This is some serious stranger danger.

"Forgive my subordinate, he sometimes comes off as a little weird." He isn't the only one. "My name is Daniel Twist. I noticed that you arrived with Sebastian and wanted to introduce myself." He reaches his hand toward me, and I slowly shake it. He's a friend of Bash?

"I'm Evan." He shakes my hand and doesn't let go, even after I try to pull away. I yank my hand away and he chuckles lightly.

"Well it is very nice to meet you Evan. If you don't mind me asking, how do you know Sebastian?"

"That is none of your fucking business Twist." Oh now he shows up. Bash pulls up the seat closest to me, sitting down two huge plates of food and suddenly I am not interested in this conversation. I start to devour the shrimp and these cheddar bay biscuits are to die for.

"It's beyond great to see you Bash, you look well. And I see you now have a pet?" Pet? I definitely am not anyone's pet.

"As always Twist you have a way with words. This is my date not my pet, if you are finished you can see yourself away. Preferably off the boat, head first."

"Burn!" Fucking Steven. Where in the hell have they been?

"If it isn't the Stevens. How are you boys?" Stefan cracks his neck. Stephen cracks his knuckles. Steven flips him the finger. I'm starting to like him, he's so funny. "A pleasure as always boy. Bash a word please."

Bash gives me a reassuring smile as he gets up and walks away with the Twist and that other creepy guy. I shrug and tear into the lobster and I subconsciously moan.

"This shit is fire." The two normal Stevens smile but look away, and the other is biting his lip as he looks at my lobster. He better back up.

By the time Bash comes back I had finished my plate and two drinks. What could they have been talking about this long? Bash looks normal, clothes aren't ruffled, hair is still perfect.

"Everything ok?" He sits beside me, and motions to the waiter for another drink.

"Yeah, everything is great. Daniel is just a dick. Just do me a solid. If he ever comes near you again, tell me immediately, alright?" He looks serious so of course I agree. The man radiates danger so I most definitely do not want anything to do with him.

The rest of the night we spent mingling. Bash introduced me to a lot of really nice people who's names I will never remember. Steven had an impromptu dance off with a waiter. Overall it was a really goodnight and I had a lot of fun. That bitch Jessica kept giving me the side eye but I avoided her at all cost.

Later in the night I found myself sitting on the back of the Steven's Cadillac drinking a can of orange soda. Bash and I talked for hours about everything, listening to music. At some point we started belting out Don't Stop Believing by Journey, while Steven plays air guitar on the hood of the guitar. He claims to be the number one air guitarist in the world; he's so full of shit.

By dawn I figured it was time for me to go home. I was beyond exhausted but Bash look refreshed as always. We road towards my house in silence, my head resting on Bash's shoulder. I never knew a person could be so cozy. I still have my reservations about him and his whole situation, but I feel like I'm ready to let my guard down. We have been hanging out for two weeks now and we haven't even kissed yet, and I think I'm ready.

Pulling up to my house I find it very difficult to keep my eyes open. Bash opens the backdoor and slowly slides out, reaching his hand to me. I slide my small hand into his larger one as he helps me out of the car. He wraps an arm around my waist as he guides me to my front door.

"Thank you so much Bash, for an amazing night. it was a lot of fun." He gives me a small bow and then the biggest smile.

"You are beyond welcome. Anytime you need a night out just let me know." I wrap my arms around his waist giving him a tight hug. I grab him by the lapel of his jacket pulling him down to me and placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Let's be boyfriends." He looks stunned so I kiss him again, then slowly back up towards the door. Opening it and going inside. I really can't believe I did that. The sound of whooping scares the shit out of me, as I assume Bash is celebrating. I can't help but laugh as exhaustion finally sets in completely.

After a quick shower I brush my teeth, then throw on a pair of shorts. I crawl into bed and can't help but smile again. Bash is my boyfriend. And that may or may not be a bad thing. I guess only time will tell.

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