Chapter Fifteen Bash

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"Ok, I'm in." Stephan pulls up the feed from Twist's home security system. We have eyes all throughout his house inside and out. And there he is. Daniel sits with his back towards the camera in what looks like a study. The guys and I are currently parked in an abandoned parking lot not far from the riverside property.

This asshole not only had the nerve to threaten my wife but also commit arson against my business; and there is no way he is getting away with it. One way or another this man dies today, along with anyone who tries to get in my way.

I brought twelve of my best men with me including two of the Steven's and of course Stoff, who as of late has been having a weird obsession with his phone. I've even caught him smiling down at the device a few times; Stoff doesn't smile. Something I'm going to have to look into after all of this.

Stephan pans through a few more of the camera feeds and by the looks of it there are only two members of The Slums aka Daniel's gang casing around the property, and one more hanging out in the living room. It's now or never.

"You know the deal, you get in, take out the three goons and get out. Daniel is mine, Stefan and Stoff you are with me going into the left side door leading into the study. Ralph, Alex and Andre go through the front, Ben, Hans and Luke are going in through the basement. Louie, Dick and X you three go in through the right side. Stephan, you keep an eye on your back, snipe anything that moves. Keep your eyes and ears up guys, I'm not losing anybody else to this piece of shit. You got it?"

A resounding "Yes sir" echoes in the small area. I left Steven and the rest of the team at home with Evan, I've got a weird feeling about today and just need to know that he is safe. Even if Steven is a dumbass, I know he can take care of my wife.

"Remember your training, stay together, and not a single person gets left behind. I want this done quickly and quietly."

They all nod silently before piling into two different vans while the Steven's, Stoff and I get into our car. This isnt the first hit we have ever done like this, wont be the las- wait. No, I promised Evan. This will be the last hit and afterwards I'm done with everything illegal. Hans has agreed to take over all the underside businesses and I have slowly been teaching him any and everything he needs to know. He isn't happy about taking over but he is happy to be helping me out with this; and besides, who doesn't love making money?

We all loaded up in our respected vehicles and headed back toward Daniel's main house. Free Bird blasting through the sound system0 during the drive and within minutes we are parked just down the street the beach house. Our look out further down the street gives the signal that all is clear, yelling at non-existent children as he drives down the street.

Instantly we all make our moves getting out of the cars and van that we came in, leaving Stephan to pull off and take his place behind the house. I step out and do a quick sweep around the area, giving the sign for everyone to move into their places.

Once everyone is in place I give a quick, "Go" in the inner earpiece and everyone strikes. Stoff and Stefan entered through the side door to Daniel's study and aim my gun at the back of his head. There is no way he is getting away.

Slowly confirmations start to come through that the other two areas are secure, and Stephan has no activity at the backdoor. Feeling confident I make my way to Daniel and place my gun to the back of his head.

"I bet you weren't expecting me today, were you Twist?" No response. I pushed the gun into his head hard and still no response. Not taking my eyes off him, I slowly walk around the chair and my stomach drops.

It's not Daniel. Some poor guy sits in the chair, throat slit with his head tied by rope to the headrest of the chair. I'm so fucking stupid for not noticing sooner. A loud click is heard causing me and the other two to snap our heads around.

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