Fifty One

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Happy Mahashivratri!!

-𝓤𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼-

“You have disappointed us all, Aanya,” Yudhishthir’s voice carried a blend of gentleness and firmness as he faced her. The five Pandavas stood in a semi-circle, their eyes fixed on Aanya. News of Dushala’s escape had already swept through Hastinapur like wildfire. Before Dushala’s brother could reach Dhruv and her, they had slipped away from the city’s grasp.

Aanya met Yudhishthir’s gaze, her heart heavy. “I know, but this was the only way. She loved him,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Bheema stepped forward, his massive frame casting a shadow. “This isn’t a tale of romance, Aanya. Now, it’s a battle for our honor,” he said, emphasizing each word.

Aanya tried to explain herself. “Bhratashri—”

Arjun interrupted, his eyes piercing. “You could’ve told us, Aanya."

"That plan came to me spontaneously,” she muttered under her breath.

“This was wrong,” he said, shaking his head.

“But didn’t you help Kanha and Bhabhishri escape?” Aanya retorted. “Then how is this any different?”

Yudhishthir’s stern voice cut through the tension. “Go to your room, Aanya, and don’t come out until someone asks you to.” He knew Duryodhan’s wrath awaited her if she dared to face him. The alliance with Jayadrath hung by a fragile thread.

“Nooo,” Aanya protested. “Duryodhan will kill me if he sees me. Although I’m not scared of him, I still need to take precautions.”

Nakul chimed in. “You should have thought before doing this.”

“I’ve not done anything wrong,” Aanya defended herself.

Yudhishthir’s gaze bore into her. “This is wrong, Aanya. It had put everyone’s honor at stake.”

"Jab inke bhai karenge tab dekhti hu.” Aanya mumbled  as she retreated, stepping out of the room. Her eyes scanned the corridor, ensuring Duryodhan remained out of sight. “He must be fuming somewhere,” she murmured.

As she walked toward her room, anxiety gnawed at her. But fate had other plans. Jayadrath stood in her path, his eyes gleaming dangerously. Aanya sighed, her annoyance palpable. “Ek toh mera shani aise hi kharab chal rha hai. Mere samne isko kyu le aaye, Kanha,” she muttered under her breath. Why did Jayadrath have to appear now, of all times? She tried to ignore him, brushing past with determined steps.

But Jayadrath was not one to be dismissed easily. His fingers closed around her wrist, a vise-like grip that sent a jolt of anger through her veins. She glared at him, her defiance burning bright.

“You,” he hissed, his voice slicing the air. “You aided their escape.” Fury etched lines on his face, turning his features into a mask of wrath.

Aanya rolled her eyes, her resolve unyielding. “I don’t think that’s news to me. Now, kindly release my hand,” she snapped, wrenching her wrist free with a force.

Jayadrath’s gaze bore into hers, unyielding. “You are a fascinating puzzle, Aanya. A princess who dares to challenge destiny itself.”

His fingers brushed her cheek, and she recoiled. “You are underestimating me, Sindhraj,” she warned, her voice low. “Don’t you dare touch me like this again. The consequences won’t be favorable for you.”

“Consequences? Right now, you should think about the repercussions you are going to face, Rajkumari Aanya,” Jayadrath said, with a smirk. His lips curved like the edge of a blade, poised to draw blood.

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