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Happy Holi!!!

-𝓣𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼-

A wave of relief washed over Aanya as Bhishma's booming voice filled the royal court. "Maharaj," he declared, his every word carrying the weight of experience and authority, "I have thoroughly investigated the circumstances surrounding the unorthodox marriage in Kampilya. This union, far from being a transgression, is firmly rooted in righteousness and blessed with purity."

A faint smile flickered across Aanya's lips, mirroring the one that graced Draupadi's face. Earlier that morning, Aanya had witnessed Draupadi as she pleaded her case before Bhishma. With eloquence born of a heart brimming with truth, Draupadi had woven a narrative that highlighted the divine intervention that led to their polyandrous marriage.

Bhishma seemed swayed by her arguments. "They are all blameless in this, Maharaj," he reiterated, his gaze settling on the despondent Pandavas.

Dhritarashtra, however, remained a stubborn obstacle. "I am the king," he thundered, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and wounded pride. "The common people look to me for guidance. They lack the wisdom to discern dharma from its twisted semblance. If I show them undue leniency, they will perceive it as a condoning of this... this aberration!"

Yudhishthira could not remain silent in the face of such accusations. Rising to his feet, he countered with unwavering conviction, "This marriage is no sin, nor an affront to dharma! History itself bears witness to similar unions. Take Marisha, who wed all ten Prachetas. Even Prajapati Daksha, a revered deity, was born of that very union. If that was considered adharma, then are we not all descended from it?"

Dhritarashtra bristled. "You dare to defend your transgression with such audacity? You have brought disgrace upon this kingdom, Yudhishthira! You and your family have forfeited your place in Hastinapur. Depart now, and seek refuge elsewhere!"

The air crackled with tension. Aanya watched, her heart pounding in her chest, as the fate of the Pandavas hung in the balance.

Aanya couldn't bear the weight of the accusations any longer. The image of Draupadi, standing tall in the face of adversity, fueled a fire within her. While Yudhishthira argued from a position of righteousness, Aanya knew another approach was needed.

"Maharaj Dhritarashtra," she addressed the him directly, her voice surprisingly steady for one so new to the court. "While I respect your position as ruler, I believe you misjudge the common people. They may not have the scholarly knowledge of dharma, but they possess something far more valuable, an innate sense of justice."

A hush fell over the court as all eyes turned to the unexpected speaker. Aanya, unfazed, continued. "Think about it, Maharaj. Would the common people truly believe a marriage blessed by the divine could be considered adharma? Wouldn't they see through the political machinations at play here?"

She paused, letting her words sink in. Dhritarashtra's expression remained unreadable, but a flicker of doubt played in his eyes.

"Furthermore, consider the kingdom itself. They are known for their valor and righteousness. Denying them a place here weakens Hastinapura, not strengthens it. Wouldn't the common people question such a decision? Wouldn't it appear as a rejection of dharma itself?"

Aanya's words hung heavy in the air, a challenge that resonated through the grand hall. The gamble she'd taken, stepping out , weighed heavily on her, yet the stakes were too high to remain silent. Draupadi's strength during her own plea had ignited a fire within Aanya, a fire that demanded action.

But a new voice slithered into the tense silence. Duryodhana, his face contorted in a sneer, directed his words at Aanya. "Why do you think you can speak up in the middle of court, Rajkumari Aanya?" he spat, the question dripping with mockery.

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