Thirty Three

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-𝓐 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓡𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮-

"I cannot believe that Duryodhan is actually going through with the decision of Dushala getting married to Jayadrath," Aanya exclaimed to Arjun, her brows furrowing as she expressed her disbelief while he was deeply engrossed in reading some scrolls.

Arjun, completely absorbed in the scrolls, emitted a soft hum of acknowledgment, not fully comprehending Aanya's words due to his intense focus.

Aanya fixed a resolute gaze on him. "You are listening to me, right?" she insisted.

"Yes, Aanya," Arjun muttered absentmindedly, a little smile playing on his lips as he acknowledged her.

Sighing, Aanya turned away and accidentally stumbled over the table, causing several items to tumble onto the floor with a clatter.

"Aanya," Arjun interjected, his concern evident in his tone as he watched her with care and consideration.

"Sorry," Aanya muttered sheepishly, a slight blush coloring her cheeks in embarrassment.

Swiftly moving towards her, Arjun seated himself to help gather the scattered items, and Aanya joined in.

As they picked up the items together, Aanya's attention was suddenly seized by a familiar silver anklet among the fallen trinkets.

"So, you happen to be the anklet thief," Aanya said with astonishment, holding the anklet in her hand and giving Arjun a glare.

Arjun looked up at her in confusion, his eyes widening with realization that his secret had been discovered.

"Bolenge kuch?" Aanya asked when he kept quiet, drawing out the suspense a little longer. Arjun tried to come up with something, racking his brain for a clever response. "Why would I steal an anklet?" he protested innocently, attempting to maintain his innocence.

"Then how do you explain this?" Aanya asked, raising her brows, drawing out the moment as she awaited his explanation.

"I found it in my room," Arjun shrugged with a sheepish smile, stretching the truth as he attempted to wriggle out of the situation.

"And you never returned it. That means you stole it," Aanya accused, drawing out the accusation with a mock serious expression, milking it for all its worth.

"How would I know it's yours?" Arjun protested, pretending to be unaware of the fact.

Aanya gasped, "So, you keep holding on to anklets of any random woman?"

Arjun rolled his eyes,"No, I should've known that the talent of losing precious things is only held by you," he quipped.

Aanya shoved his shoulder, "How many women enter your room besides me, you idiot?"

Arjun pretended to count on his fingers, earning a light slap on his shoulder from Aanya as he continued to joke around.

"I'm just replying to your question," Arjun said with an innocent smile.

"Very funny," Aanya said, standing up on her toes. "Do you have any idea how much I looked around for it?" She emphasized each word with an animated expression, her eyes wide with exasperation.

"Not my fault. You didn't check the right place," Arjun shrugged nonchalantly.

"It is your fault. You stole it," Aanya said, feigning a serious accusation as she wagged her finger at him.

Arjun chuckled, "You should have been more careful."

Aanya glared at him, her expression a mix of frustration and amusement. She looked around, then climbed up on the bed and asked him to stand in front of her as she rested her hands on his waist.

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