Ninety Four

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-𝓡𝓮𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓗𝓸𝓹𝓮-

Aanya jolted awake, a strangled gasp escaping her lips. The familiar chill of pre-dawn seeped through the makeshift walls, but it was the icy grip of terror that truly sent shivers down her spine. Another nightmare. It was always another nightmare. This time, the vivid image that clung to her like a shroud was Abhimanyu, her brave son, his youthful face etched with a defiance that both inspired and terrified her. He stood amidst a sea of enemies, outnumbered yet unyielding, a lone wolf surrounded by hungry jackals. The metallic tang of blood, though not present, filled her senses, and she could swear she heard the clang of steel against steel, the desperate roar of a young warrior facing an impossible fight.

Tears, hot and unwelcome, streamed down her face, blurring the already indistinct line between dream and reality. Reaching out, she touched her cheek, surprised to find it damp. A sob caught in her throat, threatening to shatter the fragile control she held onto. This wasn't the first nightmare, and it wouldn't be the last. The past, a relentless harpy, fed on her deepest fears, twisting them into grotesque parodies that haunted her sleep.

She forced herself to breathe, slow and deep, willing the remnants of terror to recede. It was just a dream, a cruel trick of her mind, a whisper of the anxieties that gnawed at her constantly. With trembling hands, she rekindled the dying embers of the lamp, its meager light offering a fleeting comfort in the pre-dawn gloom. Taking a deep draught of cool water from a nearby clay pot, she attempted to wash away the lingering taste of fear.

Stepping outside the hut, Aanya looked towards the eastern horizon. The first whispers of dawn were painting the sky in hues of rose and gold, pushing back the oppressive darkness. Yet, even amidst the beauty of the nascent day, a profound sadness settled over her. The sunrise, a symbol of hope and renewal for many, was a stark reminder of another day in exile, another day separated from her children, another day closer to the unknown that awaited them. The weight of the future, as uncertain as the path that stretched before her, threatened to crush her.

After a cleansing bath, Aanya draped herself in a blush pink saree, the fabric cool against her skin. As she caught her reflection in the water pot, a flicker of recognition crossed her features, followed quickly by a sharp click of her tongue. The saree, a shade reminiscent of a rose in full bloom, had once been a favorite. It echoed the memory of Arjun's whispered compliment, a sweet nothing about how the color mirrored the flush that crept across her face whenever he was near. They were young then, so deeply in love, the world a symphony of shared dreams. A sad smile tugged at the corner of her lips, a fleeting echo of that lost happiness. But the smile could not hold. Reality crashed down, shattering the fragile memories. Now, staring back at her was not the radiant woman of her youth, but a shell of her former self, etched with the lines of hardship and haunted by the ghosts of the past. Aanya quickly turned away, closing her eyes to shut out the reflection and the memories it evoked. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to focus on the present.

Aanya forced a smile that tasted more like ash than warmth. The memory of happier times, of laughter echoing through their palace halls and carefree days spent with her husband, was a bittersweet ache in her chest. Draupadi, a whirlwind of vibrant energy even in their makeshift haven, bustled about the kitchen like a hummingbird navigating a flowerbed. The rhythmic clatter of pots and pans mingled with the melodic hum of a half-forgotten song that slipped from Draupadi's lips. Aanya yearned to join in, to lose herself in the simple joy of the moment. But the melody only served to amplify the disquiet thrumming within her. Every rustle in the leaves, every cry of a distant bird, sent a jolt through her already taut nerves. Was it today? Would he return today? The question, a relentless woodpecker at the chambers of her heart, echoed with a maddening insistence.

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