Fifty Two

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-𝓤𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵 𝓦𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓐𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷-

Aanya sat beside Kunti, her grip on Kunti’s hand unyielding as she lay unconscious. The weight of the distressing scene that had unfolded before her eyes hung heavy in the air, a secret shared only by the room’s silent walls. Little did they know, Kunti had just discovered that her own son was the archenemy of another. Aanya’s mind raced, the unexpected turn of events leaving her stunned.

‘Jeevika,’ Aanya’s voice trembled with urgency, ‘find out what’s happening in Pitamah’s room. Keep me informed of every detail.’ Jeevika nodded, her footsteps echoing down the corridor as she hurried away, leaving Aanya alone with the suffocating silence of the palace.

Each passing second felt like an eternity, Aanya’s heart sinking deeper into a pit of dread. The eerie calmness seemed to foreshadow something ominous, a warning that all was not well.

Regret washed over Aanya like a relentless tide, realizing that her impulsive decisions had set this situation spiraling out of control. Her eyes remained fixed on the closed door, desperately longing for the return of the Pandavas.

Her heart grew heavier with each passing second, her trembling hands betraying her impatience. Anxiously awaiting Jeevika’s return, she felt the gnawing of nerves. Finally, Jeevika reentered the room, her head shaking in dismay.

“What happened?” Aanya demanded, her voice a blend of fear and anticipation. The silence that followed only tightened the knot in her stomach.

“Stay here and call me immediately if she wakes up,” Aanya instructed, her voice strained with worry. Determination fueled her steps as she headed toward Pitamah’s room.

However, her path abruptly met resistance, the guards stationed at the door blocked her way. Their refusal to grant entry fueled her frustration.

“Kumari, no one is allowed inside at this moment,” they informed her, their voices unwavering.

Frustration coursed through her veins, mingling with disappointment. “When it concerns me, I should be allowed inside.”

Doubts clawed at her mind, relentless and unforgiving. Although Duryodhan hadn’t physically caused her fall, he was undoubtedly at fault. The treacherous path they treaded was paved with betrayal, and Aanya felt its jagged edges cut into her soul. Maharaj, guided by his love for his son, would make a decision, one that transcended mere justice. He could never be a king who made partial judgments; the weight of the kingdom rested on his shoulders.

A throbbing pain echoed within her head, inflamed by the tension of the situation and the wound on her head. She paced restlessly by the closed door, the mahogany panels absorbing her anxiety. The palace walls seemed to whisper secrets, their stones bearing witness to the unraveling drama. She awaited their emergence of the Pandavas. Prayers for resolution hung heavy in the air, like incense smoke clinging to the rafters.

Time stretched, a cruel elastic, as seconds morphed into minutes. The unknown burdened her, a cloak of uncertainty that clung to her skin. The air grew thick with anticipation, each heartbeat echoing louder than the last. Whispers from the inside reached her ears, tantalizing fragments of truth. She strained to decipher their meaning, her heart pounding in sync with their clandestine conversations.

“Everything will be fine. Kanha is there,” she whispered to herself. But her eyes couldn’t help but constantly fall on the impassive doors.

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