Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Translator Note : I change some names following the drama

It was dusk in the fields, and the night fall soon, the mist in the valley made the moon shadow hazy.

In the blade-wielding room, the lights were like stars, and there was a document spread out on the desk. Gong Hongyu was holding the blade-wielding seal in his hand, hovering over the place where the document had just landed.

The door opened with a creak sound made him raise his head from his thoughts. After seeing the person clearly, Gong Hongyu's frowning eyebrows relaxed.

Gong Shangjue has taken off his heavy cloak and is now wearing slim-fitting black clothes. The exquisitely ironed tailoring and hand-embroidery with gold edges make his whole body look neater and slender. His eyes were deep and aloof, with a depth and mystery that was rare for his age. He looked like a heron and should not be approached by strangers.

Gong Hongyu placed his seal on the lower left corner of the document, leaving a big word "blade", and then looked at Gong Shangjue.

"I just finished reading the documents you sent back. Shang Jue, please sit down."

He is the most outstanding son of Gongmen, and Gong Hongyu's attitude towards him is much more lenient than towards others.

Gong Shangjue's eyes lightly glanced at the document stamped by Zhibian, and he bowed his head respectfully: "No need, Master Zhibian."

Gong Hongyu stood up and walked to the tea table next to him: "It's okay, you sit down for a while and I'll make a pot of tea."

"It's late at night. If you drink tea again, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well."

"That's just right. I couldn't sleep well a few days ago, so I asked Yuanzhi to help me prepare herbal tea to help me sleep. Do you want to try it too?"

When Gong Shangjue heard his brother Gong Yuanzhi's name, he silently curved his lips with a smile: "You can't miss the herbal tea prepared by brother Yuanzhi."

The two of them sat down, and just as Gong Hongyu was about to pick up the tea set, Gong Shangjue took it over without leaving a trace.

"Sword Wielder."

Gong Hongyu handed him the teapot. The aroma of tea lingered. Gong Shangjue bent his slender fingers, his movements as smooth as flowing water.

After he finished brewing the tea, Gong Hongyu said: "The Hunyuan Zheng family and Phoenix Villa have been reluctant to bow to Wu Feng, but Wu Feng has given an ultimatum. They want to ask for palace protection, but..."

Seeing his hesitation, Gong Shangjue took over: "I understand the difficulties of Sword Wielder. Since the accident at the palace gate ten years ago, the Gong family has been keeping a low profile and silent. It is really helpless to help the two families. Zheng, the head of the Zheng family, Zhongyi and I have a slight friendship. I have explained my reasons to him for this trip, and he understands it very well. But in order to preserve some blood for the Zheng family, the Zheng family sent their daughter Zheng Nanyi to participate in this year's marriage selection. Now, she should have already settled in the palace gate."

Gong Shangjue is calm and restrained, and handles things with moderation. Gong Hongyu is satisfied: "Thank you for your hard work."

Gong Shangjue: "It should be."

The tea was brewed. Gong Shangjue poured two cups and handed one of them to Gong Hongyu.

Gong Hongyu took a sip of tea, thought for a moment, and whispered: "When I come back this time, I should have let you rest for a few days. I sent you a message late at night because there is something I want to tell you."

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