Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

There is a pool of hot spring water in the Corner Palace, with gurgling water and smoke. The hot springs under the moon show even more hazy beauty. Gong Shangjue was soaking in the hot spring pool, his hair hanging wetly behind his back.

The gorgeous embroidered skirt was swaying as she walked from behind him. Gong Shangjue did not look back: "This is a matter for the servants. Miss Shangguan doesn't need to bother."

Shangguan Qian held a tray filled with fruits and wine bottles and smiled behind him: "How did Mr. Jue know it was me?"

"Everyone's pace, priorities, smell, breathing...are different. You should have been trained, right?"

Shangguan Qian was stunned and said, "I learned some simple kung fu from my father when I was in the Gushan sect. I have never experienced the kind of training that the young master mentioned." As she said this, she walked to the hot spring pool and put her hands on the fruits, wine, and aromatherapy on the tray were placed one by one on the edge of the hot spring where Gong Shangjue's corner could reach them.

The two of them were very close, and Gong Shangjue could see that she had specially put on exquisite makeup, which made her look more mature and charming compared to her usual pure and elegant appearance, and her eyebrows also showed a bit of morbidity after recovering from a serious injury. Beautiful yet frail.

"Have you recovered?" Gong Shangjue asked.

"It seems that the wounds are all healed and there are not many scars left. Master, would you like to take a look?" Shangguan Qian opened her clothes slightly, revealing her fair neck and collarbone. She looked at Gong Shangjue intently.

There was a mist in Gong Shangjue's eyes, but he did not move or answer. As his Adam's apple slid, he closed his eyes.

Shangguan Qian lowered her head, her cheeks flushed by the steaming heat of the hot spring, like a peony in full bloom waiting for a lover to pick. She saw that Gong Shangjue was silent and closed his eyes to rest, so she had to stand up and whispered: "I won't disturb the young master's pleasure." She turned around and took two steps, but heard Gong Shangjue's deep voice behind her saying: "This place Hot springs have the effect of healing and nourishing the skin, do you want to try it?"

Shangguan Qian stopped and looked back at Gong Shangjue's silent back. His shoulder muscles were strong and clear in the mist of the hot spring. Two koi carps were swimming in the pond, causing quite a splash.

Gong Yuanzhi walked into the courtyard, but was stopped by Jin Fu who was guarding the outside. "Master Jue has already rested. Master Yuanzhi, please come back tomorrow."

Gong Yuanzhi felt strange: "Why did my brother go to bed so early today?"

Jin Fu's expression was a little subtle, he lowered his head and did not reply.

Gong Yuanzhi looked at the unlit bedroom, turned around and left. Returning to the rest of the palace, he saw Jin Fan from a distance with a strange look on his face. He was walking quickly with seven or eight guards wearing swords. He was walking in a hurry and did not hold a lamp, obviously not on a daily patrol, but as soon as his heart moved, he followed him secretly.

Gong Yuanzhi lurked on the roof of Yu Palace and saw Jin Fan leading the team to Yu Palace from a distance. Jin Fan gave instructions in a low voice, and the guards in dark clothes quickly dispersed. Some went up to the roof, some disappeared into the tree canopy, and some hid behind the rocks in the courtyard.

Gong Yuanzhi, who was looking down at all this, was confused: "Yu Gong? Jin Fan is in his own place, why is he so sneaky?"

Yun Weishan walked into the servant's room where preparations were being made. The servants were busy. When they saw her coming in, they hurriedly greeted her: "Miss Yun, we are preparing the soothing and insect-repelling incense after lights out. Why are you here?"

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