Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

There was silence in the Corner Palace, and a layer of black snow seemed to float silently under the eaves in the corner. Shangguan Qian walked lightly to the window and looked through the window at the silent Gong Shangjue in the room.

Mr. Gong Er, who had always been scheming, stumbled in front of Lady Wuji. It was a lie that he didn't feel uncomfortable. Shangguan Qian felt that at this time, he also needed comfort, but the distance and heat of comfort needed to be appropriately determined, and staring out of the window was the most appropriate.

In the room at this moment, Gong Shangjue's cold brows showed a rare trace of tenderness. He sat on the chair, looking at a tiger-embroidered handkerchief in his hand, and fell into memories.

That year, Mrs. Ling was already eight months pregnant and was sewing the baby's bellyband in her room. The seven-year-old boy stayed with his mother. Mrs. Ling picked up an embroidery pattern of a little tiger and a little rabbit and gave him a choice.

Mrs. Ling asked softly: "Which one do you like?"

He looked up at his mother and said, "Little tiger."

Mrs. Ling touched her belly and smiled happily, and he laughed too.

Mrs. Ling touched his head: "You, my son, must take good care of your younger brother in the future."

He nodded and raised his voice: "Of course!"

Later, when he was fourteen years old, he was practicing in the yard. His seven-year-old brother Gong Shanglang ran over and he quickly stopped.

The younger brother pointed to the short sword on his waist and said, "Brother, I also want to practice swordsmanship."

He shook his head and objected like his elders: "You are still young and you will hurt yourself."

"Brother, brother...this short sword is beautiful..."

In desperation, he had no choice but to give his brother the scabbard of the dagger to play with. He smiled and looked at his brother with love and affection in his eyes.

Shangguan Qian, who was watching Gong Shangjue, suddenly felt that she was also being watched, so she turned around and walked down the stairs, and saw Gong Yuanzhi staying in the courtyard.

Shangguan almost smiled but asked, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"This is my home, why should I leave?", she doesn't know why, but Gong Yuanzhi, who had always spoken forcefully, seemed to lack confidence at this moment, and his tone had an inexplicable childlike grievance.

"Then - Mr. Yuanzhi, why is he so fascinated by the tiger embroidery on his hand?" Shangguan Qian asked the question directly. She intuitively felt that the embroidered handkerchief was connected to Gong Yuanzhi's weakness.

"That's his brother's..."

"Is this the 'Brother Lang' that Mr. Yuanzhi mentioned just now?"

Gong Yuanzhi frowned and glanced at Shangguan Qian: "How come you can hear us talking every time? You just lie in the corner when you have nothing to do, right?"

Shangguan Qian faced the accusation. Not only was she unashamed, but she nodded exaggeratedly, "Then you should ask yourself whether you came to the corner palace a little too diligently. Are you uncomfortable in your own palace? It is natural for me to find my future husband, but you...., you pester your brother every day. He is going to be an adult soon, so hurry up and get a wife."

Gong Yuanzhi choked and said, "Leave me alone!"

"It doesn't matter. If you don't tell me, I'll ask him later."

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