Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Jin Fan and Gong Zishang listened to the nagging of Jia Guanjia's female neighbor. According to her, Jia Guanjia's family moved away before the Laba Festival, and during the period, two people came to inquire about their whereabouts.

Jin Fan frowned and whispered to Gong Zishang: "Before Laba... it seems that before Lao Zhiren was killed, the Jia family moved. This further shows that there must be a hidden secret."

Gong Zishang then asked the female neighbor: "Do they have any close relatives and friends?" The neighbor shook his head again, with a strange look on his face, and hesitated to speak. Gong Zishang took out a piece of broken silver and stuffed it into her hand, "Just say it, don't worry about anything else." Gong Zishang said this and glanced at Jin Fan again, feeling the small admiration in his eyes.

The neighbor sighed and said, "Hey, Mr. Jia is very happy to have a son. But two years ago, his son got seriously ill and no one could cure it. It was almost time to prepare a coffin for the baby. Unexpectedly, he was eventually killed." The doctor at the palace gate cured the baby. However, although the baby was cured, he became very strange..."

"What kind of weird method?" Jin Fan asked.

"Suddenly this baby has a lot of brute strength. For example, if a group of children are playing around, he pushes the little girl more than ten feet away, and his forehead is bleeding. Isn't it scary? Don't worry. When it comes to girls, even a strong man can't stand it. After one incident after another, everyone felt that the child was possessed by a demon. After coming and going, they became estranged from the Jia family and had no contact with relatives or friends. "

When Gong Zishang and Jin Fan heard this, they both looked thoughtful and confused.

In the purple room, the three of them were still in silence. But silence is different.

Zi Yi's silence was more like watching indifferently. She wanted to see how Yun Weishan responded and how Gong Ziyu reacted; Gong Ziyu's silence was embarrassment and guilt. He didn't want Yun Weishan to know about his past, let alone talk to her in front of Zi Yi. Looking back at the past, Yun Weishan's silence was the most complicated. She was worried about her whereabouts being exposed, and she was also afraid that Gong Ziyu would investigate deeply, and she was even more afraid of Jackdaw's brutal attack, because she was so anxious and entangled that she couldn't say a word.

In the end, it was Gong Ziyu who spoke first. He looked at Ziyi first: "Do you know each other?"

Ziyi replied: "Of course I don't know him."

Gong Ziyu looked at Yun Weishan: "Do you know Ziyi?"

Yun Weishan faced Gong Ziyu and tried his best to control his breathing. However, there was no doubt or blame in Gong Ziyu's eyes, only guilt. In an instant, Yun Weishan suddenly gained confidence, his self-confidence surged like a tide, and he even came up with countermeasures. .

Gong Ziyu said to Ziyi: "They told me that you had a guest...I turned out that your guest was...Miss Yun..."

Ziyi didn't say anything, just picked up the teacup calmly and drank the tea in one gulp. Yun Weishan's heart beat like thunder, and his eardrums roared. As expected, Ziyi smiled, turned the teacup over, and prepared to gently tip it upside down on the table - this was the signal to shoot Gong Ziyu.

On the opposite roof, Jackdaw Si did not hesitate, raised his bow and aimed at Gong Ziyu's heart.

At this moment, Yun Weishan moved slightly and blocked the window, between Gongnu and Gong Ziyu.

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