Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The night wind blows, and the firelight outside the secret passage is longing.

Yun Weishan's hands were tied, and she knelt on the ground. Gong Yuanzhi looked proud, with a murderous look on his eyebrows. Gong Shangjue held the drawing and stood in front of Yun Weishan.

"This is the cloud map of the palace gate you drew. Is it correct?" Gong Shangjue paused. "It has your handwriting on it. There's no point in denying it."

"This cloud map of the palace gate was indeed drawn by me, but it was just because when I first entered the palace gate, I didn't know the direction and couldn't distinguish things. The terrain of the palace gate is complicated, so I just recorded it casually to facilitate entry and exit." Yun Weishan defended.

Gong Shangjue sneered and said: "Record it casually? Then how do you explain the words on the back?" He turned over the drawing and saw the same handwriting written by Yun Weishan on the back, which read: "There are forty people in total above and below the palace gate. Seven sentries are on guard day and night, and three posts rotate at Chen hour, Shen hour, and Zi hour. There are two secret passages inside the palace gate, one secret passage leads to the back mountain, and the other leads to the old dust valley. Wufeng can deploy elites. Sneak in from here."

After Gong Shangjue finished reading word for word, the elders no longer hesitated in their eyes.

Gong Shangjue said: "It is indeed to facilitate entry and exit; it is just to facilitate Wufeng's entry and exit."

Yun Weishan lowered her head and had nothing to say.

Gong Yuanzhi asked: "Now that things have happened, do you still want to quibble?"

Elder Hua spoke sternly: "Hmph, I will not be allowed to stay without careful work, you will be executed on the spot immediately."

Elder Hua holds a big sabre with a sharp blade. It is one of the six knives in the Hua Palace Ancestral Hall. He walked towards Yun Weishan step by step, preparing to kill her with his own hands.

Yun Weishan closed her eyes in despair.

Elder Hua's broadsword went straight towards Yun Weishan. Just when the blade was about to hit Yun Weishan's neck, a sound of metal and stone hitting each other was heard. Everyone saw another sabre blocking the attack of the knife in Elder Hua's hand, and the person holding the sabre was Gong Ziyu who had just arrived.

Gong Ziyu raised his hand, cut off the rope binding Yun Weishan's hands with a knife, and helped her up.

Yun Weishan said: "You don't need to help me. I lied to you. I am indeed a craftsman without a sharp edge!"

"Ayun... you... why are you leaving?" Gong Ziyu asked.

Gong Yuanzhi said: "She wants to go out to spread the news, so of course she has to leave."

Elder Hua used his strength and slashed at Yun Weishan again. In order to protect Yun Weishan, Gong Ziyu had to block with all his strength. Elder Hua refused to give in, and the two of them immediately started to fight back and forth.

Suddenly, Elder Hua used all his strength, twisted his body and slashed directly at Yun Weishan. In desperation, Gong Ziyu fought back hard, only to hear a loud clang sound and sparks flying from the blade. Gong Ziyu actually cut off the knife in Elder Hua's hand.

The broken knife fell to the ground, and everyone was a little surprised. Gong Ziyu also froze in place with shock. While they were fighting, Yun Weishan had already floated away, and Yun Weishan was already standing in the secret passage.

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