Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The moonlight was like a flower, and a figure of shadow was made hazy and slender by the light in the corridor. Shangguan Qian, carrying a warm-coloured lantern in her hand, slowly walked into the gate of the female guest's courtyard.

She has a graceful figure but precise steps. A jade pendant dangles around her waist, and she has a smile on her face that is full of success. However, this smile suddenly disappears when she walks into the courtyard hall and sees the guards. .

At the master's seat in front of the hall, in front of the huge and exquisite painting, Gong Ziyu stood with his back turned. He turned around when he heard her footsteps coming in. There were other people in the hall. Yun Weishan stood in the middle of the crowd, pursed her lips and just looked at the ground.

"Miss Shangguan Qian?"

Shangguan Qian was stunned for a moment and then saluted: "Master sword wielder." She cast her eyes calmly on Yun Weishan, but Yun Weishan just stood there and couldn't give her any hint.

Gong Ziyu looked her up and down and saw that she was holding a bamboo basket and a lantern in her hand, and couldn't help but ask: "Where did Miss Shangguan go?"

Shangguan Qian replied sincerely: "Go to the hospital."

"Oh? Is Miss feeling unwell?"

Shangguan Qian used the same rhetoric: "Doctor Zhou, who diagnosed my pulse the day before yesterday, said that my breath was spicy and damp. So I only got a white jade token.. So I went to him to ask for a prescription..”

After saying this, Shangguan Qian paused, then seemed to muster up the courage and blushed on her face.

"In this way, you may be able to get a golden token, be chosen by the sword-wielding master, and become his bride."

Just like that, she showed a shy smile, her bright pupils were shining, and she was very beautiful.

Sure enough, Gong Ziyu was quite surprised by her straightforward words, and others didn't find it strange either. It would be understandable if she left the female guest's courtyard in order to become a bride. Gong Ziyu blushed a little, coughed slightly, and couldn't help but glance at Yun Weishan, but Yun Weishan just lowered her face without any too many expressions.

Gong Ziyu said sternly: "But Miss Shangguan, the terrain inside the palace gate is complicated. How did you find the medical centre? Moreover, after the murder of my father and brother, the palace gate was under high security, but you were able to go all the way unimpeded, coming and going?" "

Shangguan Qian frowned slightly and said, "It's really complicated. It made me dizzy. Fortunately, I met a girl who went to the hospital to get medicine. I followed her and found the right place. It took a lot of effort to come back, it’s getting dark.”

After saying that, Shangguan Qian knelt down gently.

"This girl doesn't know the rules of the palace. If there is anything that goes beyond the rules, please be punished by Master sword wielder."

Gong Ziyu pondered for a few seconds and said: "Punishment is unnecessary. Those who don't know are not guilty. Just pay more attention in the future. Remember to ask Grandma Fu if you don't understand the rules."

Everyone whispered when they heard that Shangguan Qian passed the test so easily.

One of the brides couldn't help but whisper to others: "She passed the test so easily?"

Grandma Fu acted strictly, sighed, and smacked her lips helplessly.

Shangguan Qian stood up and replied softly: "Thank you Master sword wielder."

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