Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Everyone looked at the empty iron box and fell silent. Everyone was waiting for Gong Ziyu's answer.

Xue Chongzi's hair and clothes were still dripping with water. Suddenly, a thick blanket wrapped around him.

He instinctively turned around in surprise: "Xue——" But he saw that it was Yun Weishan who gave him the thick blanket. Yun Weishan saw his expression and knew that he was thinking of Mr. Xue, so she said softly: "Go and change your clothes first."

Xue Chongzi shook his head: "I'm fine, but why are the drawings missing..."

Gong Ziyu's expression was a little strange, his brows furrowed, and his voice was filled with sadness: "I know where the drawings are."

Everyone was surprised and looked at him.

"Then you should have said it earlier and let Xue Chongzi go into the water. So many people have died for a crappy blueprint, so don't bother the living anymore -" Gong Yuanzhi was talking enthusiastically, but when he raised his head and saw his brother's reproachful eyes, stopped talking.

Gong Shangjue's eyes moved to Gong Ziyu, and the two looked at each other for a moment. Gong Shangjue asked, "Is it as we expected?" Gong Ziyu nodded, but there was no look of relief on his face.

Gong Shangjue let out a long sigh. Gong Ziyu looked around at everyone and said, "The drawings are in Yu Palace."

Everyone was surprised, only Yun Weishan gently took Gong Ziyu's hand and shook it.

The basement of Yu Palace was as dark as ever, with no lights and no one.

Gong Ziyu walked toward the basement alone, his breathing heavy and his eyes dark. He recalled the scene when the deceased Elder Yue first took him to the secret passage in the back mountain to send him for a trial, as if it was a lifetime ago——

Elder Yue's wrinkled hands took Gong Ziyu's hand and walked slowly with him.

"...Ziyu, in your future life, you will definitely encounter many times like this when you are groping forward in the dark, and maybe by then you will have no one to lead the way, and you will be alone in the darkness... But no matter how difficult it is, you must make the right decision and move forward bravely, because you are not only responsible for your own destiny, but the future of the entire palace and the entire clan..."

The memories faded away, Gong Ziyu walked to the light, and his face emerged from the darkness. He gently wiped the tears from his eyes and walked to his brother's bed with a smile.

Gong Huanyu has woken up. He propped himself up and asked with concern: "Is my brother feeling well?"

"Brother knows that I'm injured?"

"...I heard a lot of noise outside last night, and I felt like there was a fight. I was afraid you would be hurt."

Gong Ziyu's eyes turned red again: "All four of Wu Feng's spies came last night."

"Everyone is good?"

"Master Xue, Master Hua, and Elder Hua... were all killed..."

"...There is such a big battle at the palace gate, but I can't do anything to help... It's really useless..."

"Brother, don't blame yourself too hard. Gongmen has survived."

"Wufeng has been lying dormant for decades, always looking for the most certain opportunity. How come they suddenly launched a large-scale attack, and almost mobilized all his strength, all four spies were dispatched... The war ten years ago was nothing more than this..."

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