Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

In the dungeon, Gong Yuanzhi handed the powder in the paper bag to the guard, "Pour the powder into the water and spray it into the dungeon."

The guard took the order, took out the utensil, started stirring, and then spraying.

Gong Yuanzhi looked at the unconscious guards on the ground: "They were intoxicated by the incense. They were carried back to the guard camp. Then I asked the pharmacy to send the antidote."

The dungeon guard was knocked unconscious by someone using incense. The problem is quite serious, which shows how rampant domestic thieves are. While Gong Yuanzhi was angry, he suddenly felt an inexplicable panic. He looked deeper into the dungeon. In the hexagonal pavilion, Gong Shangjue stood quietly, as if he was thinking, but also as if he was in a trance, as if he was bearing the humiliation, but also as if he was independent from the world. In Gong Yuanzhi's impression, his brother had never had such an attitude.

Gong Yuanzhi hesitated for a moment, then walked towards him.

At this time, several dark figures appeared in the wilderness outside the dungeon.

Gong Ziyu, Jin Fan, Xue Chongzi, Xue Gongzi, and Hua Gongzi each held a sack of explosives and moved quickly in the grass that was half a person tall.

Playboy asked: "Where are we going?"

Gong Ziyu pointed forward: "The outer wall at the back of the dungeon."

Playboy: "What are you going to do?"

Gong Ziyu said: "I have bribed a guard inside and asked Yun Weishan about the location of hers cell. Let's blow up the outer wall and rob the prison to save people!"

After hearing this, Mr. Hua said nothing and turned around to run away, but Mr. Xue grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back. "Elder Hua will beat me to death——" Young Master Hua screamed pitifully in the night.

The two people in the dungeon did not notice anything strange outside, and the guards who had re-arranged their defenses returned to their previous heavily guarded state.

Gong Yuanzhi looked at Gong Shangjue's silent expression and asked with some worry: "Brother, has Yun Weishan confessed?" Gong Shangjue did not nod or shake his head. He even seemed not to hear. His expression changed due to extreme complexity. It has to be simple and plain.

"Is my brother encountering some difficulty... He needs me to prepare medicine——"

Before Gong Yuanzhi finished speaking, deep in the dungeon, suddenly, there was a bang - a violent explosion came from outside Yun Weishan's cell.

Gong Shangjue frowned and immediately ran away.

"Brother!" Gong Yuanzhi was about to chase after him when Gong Shangjue turned around and ordered: "Bring the guards! Go quickly!"

At dawn, the sky in the east gradually turned white. A group of people used Qinggong and ran forward quickly among the grass blades. Yun Weishan, who fell into a coma, was carried by Jin Fan, and Gong Ziyu was separated from Xue Chongzi and Xue Gongzi.

Behind everyone, a figure came from the sky. The palace minister's horns moved with the shadow, his robes fluttered, and he spread his wings like an eagle in the dim light of morning.

Gong Ziyu, Xue Chongzi, and Xue Gongzi each used one of the three snow-brushing styles, and worked together to besiege Gong Shangjue. The three of them cooperated tacitly and used the three sword techniques at the same time, trapping Gong Shangjue.

However, in front of Jin Fan and Hua Gongzi, cold light suddenly burst out. Playboy pulled out the sword from Jin Fan's waist and fended off the hidden weapon.

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