Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The sudden change made Gong Ziyu confused. When he saw Yun Weishan being restrained, in desperation, he launched the second of the three snow-brushing movements - Frost.

Gong Ziyu's inner strength was stimulated, and a dense white cold air suddenly rolled up on the water, sweeping towards the boatman like a giant python. The boatman was hit by the biting cold knife wind, and his breath was suffocated. Gong Ziyu took the opportunity to kick him away. The boatman's bamboo knife fell to the ground, and the topaz bracelet on his hand appeared.

Sure enough, it was Yellow Jade guards. But before he had time to think about it, Gong Ziyu immediately picked up the bamboo pole to use his strength and flew towards the boat that had drifted far away. When he was in the air, Gong Ziyu swung out two cold air sword winds and attacked Mr. Yue's vest.

Hearing the sound of wind behind him, Mr. Yue had no choice but to let go of Yun Weishan, turned around and took out two small hidden weapons from his waist, and shot them out from the palm of his hand. The hidden weapon broke Gong Ziyu's bamboo pole. Gong Ziyu stood on tiptoes in the air to use his strength, stepped on the broken pole, and continued flying towards the boat.

After Yun Weishan's neck was released, she immediately attacked Mr. Yue from behind. However, Mr. Yue seemed to see through Yun Weishan's moves in an instant, and used a unique movement to grab Yun Weishan's hand and pinch her pulse.

Yun Weishan was shocked and thought to herself: "Wufeng?!" She suddenly remembered that this action was exactly the same as the one used by Lady Wuji when she was in the room to hold her pulse. She was too familiar with it, because this was exactly Wu Feng's move - "Pulse Touching Hand".

When she was in Wu Feng, Han Ya Si trained with her. As soon as she made a move, Han Ya Si used a unique movement to instantly lock her pulse.

Han Ya Si said: "This is Wufeng's original 'pulse pointer', which is very useful in close combat."

Yun Weishan was greatly shocked, his thoughts were racing for a while, and she lost her resistance.

In the air, Gong Ziyu's cold blade had already slashed down in the air. In the flash of lightning, Mr. Yue pulled Yun Weishan's arm and dodged behind Yun Weishan, using Yun Weishan as a human shield to block him moving forward. Gong Ziyu could only change the path of the knife urgently. The wind of the knife branched and struck the water on both sides of the boat, causing a huge splash of water.

Young Master Yue suddenly raised his other hand, holding a dark red pill in his palm. He raised his hand to cover Yun Weishan's mouth and put the pill into her mouth. Then he controlled Yun Weishan's teeth with lightning speed, forcing her to open her mouth, raising her head and letting her swallow.

Mr. Yue let go of Yun Weishan. Yun Weishan coughed twice after choking. At this moment, she could no longer force the pill out. Gong Ziyu had already flown onto the ship, stepped forward to support Yun Weishan, and shouted sternly: "Elder Yue! What are you doing? What did you force her to eat?"


Gong Ziyu was in disbelief: "What?!"

Yun Weishan also showed a surprised and puzzled expression.

Mr. Yue just smiled at this moment and said calmly: "Detoxing this poison is the second realm test that Mr. Yu needs to pass."

The three of them walked along the plank road on the water. The swaying water surface reflected countless silver-like light spots, shining on the stone wall like a surging thought.

Mr. Yue walked in front, Gong Ziyu and Yun Weishan walked behind him. Gong Ziyu kept holding Yun Weishan's hand, and found that her hand was cold and freezing.

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