Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The ice edges braved the cold air and glowed blue under the moonlight. They were extremely sharp and spikey.

Seeing that the ice edge was about to hit Yun Weishan's neck, Gong Ziyu knocked back Mr. Xue who was clinging to him with one palm, stepped forward, opened his eyes and shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The ice edges stopped, and the spike stopped just a hair away from Li Yun Weishan's throat, forcing her to raise her face.

She was dressed in black, and the flying snow fell on her face like black feathers falling into the snow. She couldn't exert any strength at the moment, her expression was in pain, and her eyes were slightly red.

Seeing that she had lost her ability to fight back, Xue Chongzi turned his head and asked in a hoarse voice: "What are your orders, Mr. Yu?"

As soon as he spoke, Gong Ziyu was shocked: "You can speak?"

This person can actually talk?! Even though he had signed with him before, he never doubted that he was mute.

Xue Chongzi did not answer this question, and the ice edge on his hand still did not loosen at all.

Yun Weishan was sitting on the ground. She doesn't know whether it was because of the cold or because she was too thinly dressed. Her face was pale, her long hair was spread out, and her eyebrows were drooped, making her appeared calm and thin. Gong Ziyu didn't think about why she was here or how she got in. The moment he saw her, all he thought about was whether she was injured.

Before he could ask anything, Gong Ziyu suddenly thought: "She is my Green Jade Attendant. I asked her to prepare something before, so she came late..."

He walked over without changing his expression, held up Yun Weishan's shirt, and avoided the sharp ice edge: "The ancestral teachings of the palace stipulate that you can bring your personal green jade attendant with you to break through the barrier."

What he said was true, but Xue Chongzi said: "But your green jade bodyguard is Jin Fan."

This is a known fact.

Gong Ziyu became serious: "Sword Wielder has the right to appoint and remove green jade attendants. Miss Yun Weishan is my latest green jade attendant. There is no rule in the palace that women cannot be attendants, right?"

This was obviously a spur-of-the-moment idea, just to excuse Yun Weishan, but he said it righteously.

Xue Zhongzi did not argue with him. He looked young but thoughtful, and said quietly: "Women can serve as servants..." Seeing that Gong Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly changed the subject, "But I want to take a look at girl Yun Weishan's green jade bracelet."

Gong Ziyu's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly found an excuse: "Because... because I have to enter the back mountain trial, and I am in a hurry, and I haven't had time yet..."

While he was hesitating, the person next to him suddenly spoke.

"Here." Yun Weishan took out the green jade bracelet from her arms calmly.

The jade is flawless, and the green light is transparent. It is a genuine green jade bracelet, which represents the identity of the green jade attendant.

Everyone was a little surprised, even Gong Ziyu couldn't believe it.

Yun Weishan remained silent. Before she set off to the back mountain, Jin Fan called her from behind——

"Before entering the back mountain, there is something I want to give to you."

Jin Fan handed the green jade he had been wearing on the back of his hand to Yun Weishan. With this identity, no one in the back mountain would make things difficult for her if she encountered any danger in the back mountain.

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