Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

There is more than one way of thinking in Gongmen, Yun Weishan looked strange after hearing this.

Gong Ziyu looked at the somewhat dazed faces in front of him and explained: "There are three internal skills and mental methods created by our palace sect alone. In addition, our ancestors have been bloody in the world for many years and have gained many top-notch mental methods. There are even some martial arts masters." The secrets of the mind that were lost in the early years of the sect are also recorded inside the palace, but we are not allowed to practice them..."

Yun Weishan asked: "What kind of practice does the young master practice?"

"Rongxue Heart Sutra." As he said this, Gong Ziyu lowered his eyes.

"I have never heard of this mental method..."

Gong Ziyu said sadly: "This is Gongmen's original mental method. Even in Gongmen, there are very few people who practice it..."

He started practicing this mental technique when he was ten years old.

That year, his foundation was not stable, and he timidly crouched on horseback in the snowy courtyard, wearing only a thin spring shirt.

When he couldn't bear it anymore, he said, "'s too cold, I'm going to freeze to death."

His father stood aside and told him: "If you don't want to get cold, just follow the formula and do the exercises..."

It was obviously a mental method that could resist the cold, but he was still confused: "I have memorized the formula a long time ago, but...but it still doesn't work...I'm cold..."

"You are so squeamish and unworthy of being my Gong Hongyu's son. Look at how your brother practices."

Hearing his father's scolding, he turned his head. Not far away, his brother was practicing swordplay in the courtyard wearing thin clothes. He had a high level of understanding, made rapid progress, and was not afraid of the cold at all. Soon Gong Ziyu's nose and eyes turned red from the cold, and tears welled up in his eyes.

But his father was still very strict: "Don't cry, keep practicing."

He trembled and tried to practice: "Cold...the cold air enters the sky, and you can send and receive it freely...he merges into the dantian, the snow falls and the heart does not weaken, both of them fall into the Fengmen acupoint, and the Qi pulse hangs in three parts..."

Gong Ziyu murmured his inner thoughts while recalling: "... Both of them fall into the Fengmen acupoint, and the Qi pulse hangs at three points..."

After hearing what he said, Yun Weishan expressed surprise: "That's great! It means that this mental method can break the Ice Lotus Pond!"

"Not good..." Gong Ziyu said with a sullen face, "My internal strength can't even withstand the cold winter wind, let alone dive to the bottom of the ice pond..."

His foundation was not good and his foundation was insufficient. Thinking of this, Gong Ziyu felt a little uncomfortable all over. Yun Weishan looked at his disappointed expression and put away the excitement in her heart.

Gong Ziyu said frankly: "After my mother passed away, my father became harsh and cold towards me. Even though he knew that I was afraid of the cold, he always forced me to practice in the ice and snow. Therefore, I have always been resistant to the practice of the Rongxue Heart Sutra... ...Then it was abandoned halfway..."

After hearing this, Yun Weishan saw him in his eyes and didn't say anything. She just picked up the ginger tea silently.

"The ginger tea is a little cold, I'll help you warm it up."

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