Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The long street was brightly lit, crowded with people, shouts and shouts came and went, and a thick smoke of fireworks spread out, forming two branches with the high-walled courtyard of the Gong family. Various lanterns illuminate the streets, like a flowing rainbow. Well-dressed men and women wandered in the sea of flowers on the River of Lights. There are various river lanterns floating in the waterway, and the boats are loaded with flowers and colorful fruits.

Jin Fan led the way, holding the blade tightly in his hand and looking at all directions with vigilance. Gong Zishang threw away Jin Fan, pulled Yun Weishan and looked around, dazzled all the way. Gong Ziyu followed the two of them, watching them laugh and laugh, as if bright fireworks were lit in his heart.

Yun Weishan lowered her voice and said to Gong Zishang: "There are many talented people and beautiful ladies traveling together to enjoy the lanterns, in pairs..."

Gong Zishang looked at the young men and women on the street and replied: "Isn't that right? Your Mr. Yu's eyes are glued to your back and never leave. Tsk tsk, the brown sugar is not as sticky as him... This kind of beautiful scenery at a good time, the most important thing is to be alone. You hurry up and be alone, I will ask Jin Fan to come to me later..."

"What do you want to do, Miss?"

Gong Zishang came close to Yun Weishan's ear, whispered a few words to her, then raised her eyebrows and hinted in a low voice: "A good match is given by God."

After hearing this, Yun Weishan covered her mouth and smiled, nodding her head.

Gong Zishang walked and found the right moment to jump into the crowded crowd, but she disappeared.

Gong Ziyu looked around: "Hey, where did this person suddenly go?"

Yun Weishan said: "The eldest lady said she was going there to buy a lantern."

Gong Ziyu suddenly winked at Jin Fan and said, "Gong Zishang is not safe alone. Jin Fan, go and find her quickly. Hurry!"

Jin Fan hesitated: "Then Master Sword Wielder..."

"I'm fine, I won't go far, and besides, I have Miss Yun with me." After saying that, Gong Ziyu approached Jin Fan and whispered, "After you find Gong Zishang, you go to Manager Jia's house to check."

Jin Fan responded and immediately turned around and walked into the crowd.

Gong Zishang was holding a small lantern and muttered as she walked: "I only hope that my sweetheart can understand the lantern in my hand..." By coincidence, as soon as she said this, Gong Zishang saw that the lantern in her hand was extinguished. She was so angry that she stamped her feet, lowered her head and cursed the lamp: "Speechless! Bad luck...!"

As it happened, there was a huge cart selling lanterns next to her.

Gong Zishang said: "Boss, buy a lamp! Do you have the brightest lamp here, the kind that can be seen in the crowd at a glance?"

The boss greeted politely: "Young lady, you have an appointment with the person you like, right? The moonlight shines on the beauty, and the wind blows the shadows of the trees..." Then he took out a little rabbit lantern with a clear understanding, "This is pretty, many girls like it. ." Then he took out a larger pheasant lamp from under the counter, and said, "This one is brighter and bigger, but a little heavy. Most girls--"

Before he could say anything, Gong Zishang took it with one hand.

Boss: "...I can't lift it."

Gong Zishang carried the rabbit lantern with one hand, and then picked up the pheasant lantern, spinning it left and right, looking at herself in pity. She could spin it around a few times, but she still felt it wasn't conspicuous enough.

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