Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ginkgo leaves covered with cold dew stuck to the bluestone floor, and the sound of maids cleaning the fallen leaves rustled.

Shangguan Qian was drinking tea when she heard the door open. She knew who it was without looking back.

Yun Weishan closed the door from behind.

"Come to see me so early? Do you want tea?"

Both of them were wrapped in white clothes. Shangguan Qian was holding a teacup and felt refreshed.

Yun Weishan, however, looked at the liquid in the teacup with suspicious eyes and avoided it as if she saw a poisonous snake.

Shangguan Qian knew what she was thinking and smiled: "You are thinking too much." Then she asked, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Under the transparent window screen, Shangguan Qian looked docile and harmless, with an innocent look on her face. Yun Weishan knew very well that although Shangguan Qian had helped her, she could never call her one of her own.

Yun Weishan lowered her voice: "Since our identities are the same, I think it would be better to explain some things clearly."

Shangguan Qian corrected her seriously: "Hey, it's different. I said it yesterday... I am Mei, one level higher than you. In Wufeng, you must have heard of 'Half a level higher kills people', right?"

Yun Weishan's face turned pale: "I've heard of it. I just didn't expect that Wu Feng also sent a Mei to sneak into the palace gate together."

Shangguan Qian said slowly and calmly: "Everything has a price, and if there is a price, there is a sacrifice. If Miss Zheng hadn't revealed her identity, then you would have been the one who sacrificed." She stared at Yun Weishan, curled her eyes, and her originally black and white eyes changed. So elusive.

Yun Weishan avoided looking and asked, "Is she also a mei?"

Shangguan Qian smiled jokingly: "She is so stupid, how can she be a mei?"

Listening to her dismissive tone, Yun Weishan paused and said, "From now on, it will be just the two of us on missions together, right? Is there anyone else?"

"You are wrong again. There are flocks of birds and a lone eagle in the sky." Shangguan Qian's voice was soft and cold. "Between you and me, there is no 'us' or 'together'."

"Well, it's clear." After saying that, Yun Weishan was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait," Shangguan Qian suddenly stopped her and asked her, "Did you sneak out last night and find out any information? I saved your life last night, so at least you can tell me who died."

"How do you know someone died?"

Shangguan Qian pointed her finger out the window: "There are so many white sky lanterns rising into the sky, and servants are running outside with candles and ritual vessels... I'm not blind, how can I not see it?"

"Sword Wielder and the young master." Yun Weishan took a deep breath, "Both of them are dead."

This time it was Shangguan Qian's turn to look pale, and her elusive eyes widened. She looked at Yun Weishan in disbelief, and asked word by word: "You...killed them?!"


In the blink of an eye, dark clouds gathered and heavy rain fell from the sky. There were few pedestrians in the town and the sky was dim.

A tall man wearing a black oilskin raincoat lowered his head and walked into the medicine shop, and was greeted by the smiling face of the owner. Gong Shangjue raised the lowered brim of his hat, revealing an indifferent face.

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